Chapter 11

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Dark and Cold, was all Y/n could register as he walked down the stairs, Harry being forced to stay behind him as they entered the final room

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Dark and Cold, was all Y/n could register as he walked down the stairs, Harry being forced to stay behind him as they entered the final room. He couldn't believe that Snape would be behind all this, Why would Snape be doing this? He also wasn't completely sure why Snape would Jinx Harry's broom, so all the young Malfoy could do was brace himself to come face-to-face with whoever did this, even if that was Snape.

"You?" Harry called out as they looked at the purple clothes wrapped around Professor Quirrell's head. "It can't be," Harry continued as Quirrell turned around to face the two boys. "Snape... He..."

"Yes," Quirrell smiled as he watched the two boys. "He does seem like the type, doesn't he?" His smile only grew larger as he turned to face them. "Next to him, who would expect poor, stuttering Pro--Professor Q--Quirrell?" He mockingly raised his tone and began fidgeting with his fingers.

"But that day?" Harry spoke as he tried to walk past Y/n, only for the Malfoy to pull him behind his back more. "During the Quidditch match," Harry looked past the boy who was an inch or two taller than him, using that slight difference to shield the Boy Who Lived. "Snape tried to kill me,"

"No you dear boy," Quirrell just shook his head as he watched the two boys. "I TRIED TO KILL YOU!" Quirrell yelled as he glared at Harry, his smile falling from his face. "And trust me, if Snape's cloak hadn't caught fire and broken my eye contact, I would have succeeded,"

Y/n felt a smile creep on his face at the thought, Even when they were wrong Hermione had still done the smartest thing. "So Snape was chanting a counter-curse?" Y/n shook his head at the thought.

"Snape was trying to save me?" Harry seemed shocked at the realization, Y/n wasn't sure whether he was shocked that Snape was saving him or was he shocked that Snape wasn't the villain. he wanted him to be.

"I knew you were a danger to me from the off," Quirrell growled as he took his eyes off Harry for the first time, looking at Y/n. "And you!" He glared at the Malfoy for a moment before spitting. "I refused to believe it until I saw what you were capable of, that faithful Halloween night,"

"You let the troll in..." Y/n's voice was a low whisper as he looked at the man.

"Very good, Mister whatever-you-want-to-be-called..." Quirrell rolled his eyes as he stared at Y/n.

"You put countless innocent students' lives in danger..." Y/n felt a new feeling begin boiling in the pit of his stomach. "You put Hermione in danger..." Y/n felt his heart pick up speed, his head felt like it was about to explode.

Calm down...

Y/n felt something stir around as his head was filled with a sense of calm, staring at Quirrell the whole time. "Snape unfortunately wasn't fooled," Quirrell rolled his eyes as he looked at them. "While everyone else was running to the dungeon, he went to the third floor to head me off," He added. "Then imagine my surprise when I was forced to accompany him to the bathrooms to inspect a noise only to find out that you really are his son..." Quirrell glared at Y/n before turning to the mirror once more. "Snape of course, never trusted me again, never left me alone," Quirrell looked at the two boys in the mirror. "But he doesn't understand, I'm never alone,"

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