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Chapter 1: Open Horizons

The train slows to a rumbling halt at New Belmir City station and settles with a wheezing, whining hiss. Train guards dismount and leap to the platform; station guards take turns whistling and yelling directions outside.

It's been an hour's travel from the military convalescence base so far, and there's a long journey ahead of you. For now, your snug compartment is empty except for you. Mostly your fellow passengers are other military personnel and staff from the base, and they kept to themselves.

For your part: now that your condition's improved from your injury, you've been reassigned to this new bodyguard role rather than returning to your usual assignment. It's your first day back after a long winter of recovery.

They have no reason to want you to fail, and they're the experts. You've gone through physiotherapy, counseling, and all manner of other exercises to build up your strength. How difficult could your new assignment be?

New Belmir City station is the largest and busiest railway station in the country, so the quiet only lasts a moment. But as travelers embark and poke their heads into your compartment, they spot your tan-colored field uniform, nod to you, and leave you in peace. "Thank you for your service," one woman says, curtseying to you, before sliding the door closed and moving away.

Not every civilian would make that much fuss over a lone uniformed officer sitting on a train. Most Teranese adults have completed the mandatory Teranese Service, after all, and Teran hasn't been at war in over forty years—but sometimes they go the extra mile.

It'll be interesting to see how polite they all are once the train fills up.

Almost everyone goes through Teranese Service, and although you've stayed longer than most, it's a job like any other. There's no sense in being put on a pedestal. Besides, you've been doing this work since you were eighteen years old. You have few illusions about glamor or heroics, especially not now

With experience and specialized training, you'd been promoted several times. You led your team, too, and were well on your way to being awarded further responsibilities.

Late summer last year, the injury disrupted all that. Ordinary life before this feels like a distant memory.

You've mostly recovered now. The doctors at the base are excellent. But it's painful at times, and can affect your flexibility and motion.

It was clear that you couldn't return to your normal duties—even without the circumstances in which it all happened. Others were harmed thanks to your mistake, not just you. And now you're to babysit—your dossier says guard, but everyone knows what it is—the fourteen-year-old Catarina Roldan while she studies at boarding school.

But here, now: the train is rapidly filling up. From the reckoning of your pocket watch, your new charge and her parent were meant to be here with you ten minutes ago.

The Honored Fiore Roldan, Catarina's widowed parent, should be with her, making sure she's safe. But something could have gone wrong. Something you hadn't considered.

Clouds of steam are starting to billow past your window. Water on hot metal hisses from the engine. Down the other end of the train, carriage doors slam, and another guard blows a sharp whistle.
You remain in the compartment, waiting as more passengers step onto the train. If Fiore promised to come at this time, it shouldn't be too long. Traffic happens, packing takes time. These things happen.

It becomes a little harder to be matter-of-fact about it when a large group of newcomers in suits and gowns barge open the door. They look as though they're on their way to a wedding party or some other occasion.

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