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We welcome you all to a new year at Archambault!" booms Pascal from the lectern. "And may I take the opportunity to welcome again our newest student, Her Highness Princess Juliana Hartman! How marvelous to bring yet another royal connection to our Academy walls, after Princess Rosario's successful study here!"

Wild applause thunders through the hall.
Pascal beams. Everyone turns to stare at you, and as the chatter rises once more, there's a buzz of urgency in the air. A cluster of students contrive to pass your table to gawk, while even the older ones turn to stare at you and whisper amongst themselves while they watch.

Beaumont looks as unimpressed with the whole thing as they did last night. They flick through a sheaf of papers while drinking a prodigious amount of coffee with their croissants, looking the picture of a businessperson in their office. Dominique leans on their elbow while they eat their cereal.

"I can't believe you're here," they say. "You look like you should be in the palace! Not like the rest of us at all!"

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