Chapter 5

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It had been several months since Elizabeth had posted her job ads online. Although, because of the distance from Mission City only a few people showed interest. In all, she had only hired Nicolas and Alexander before closing her ad online and letting Raj know not to send anymore people. While Nicolas was extremely experienced with being a mechanic, Alexander only had a year or two under his belt. Luckily, he was very enthusiastic and motivated to work and learn new things. Barricade still came by the house, but he no longer took up residence in her detached garage as things could become complicated if the Autobots were to randomly show up. Although, it wasn't like he was very far from her home. It actually humored her whenever she would catch a glimpse of his alternate mode driving past her shop throughout the day. Almost like that of an overprotective relative, who was making sure that no one pulled any funny business while she was there.

"Hey Liza, there is a Lennox on the phone for you!" Alexander shouted into the workshop from the counter.

"Tell him that I'll be there in a second!" Elizabeth shouted while she was changing a tire.

A few moments later, Elizabeth walked into the waiting room and alerted her customer that the tires were changed and that they could check out with Alexander at the desk. The woman who sat in the waiting area smiled before offering her thanks and making her way up to the young man that sat behind the counter.

"Hello, Lennox?" Elizabeth picked up the phone as she stepped outside.

"Hey, the bots have been asking when you'd be stopping by. So, we were wondering if you could come next week for at least a week." William's voice was clear for the most part, but there were a few moments of static.

"That should be fine. I have a few employees that can watch the shop without problems." She smiled as she heard a short chuckle.

"Great! How does Next Sunday sound? I'll have Ironhide pick you up." The enthusiasm echoed through the phone which elicited a soft chuckle from the woman.

"Sounds good. Make sure he is picking me up at the house, wouldn't want people seeing me getting into a vehicle without a driver." She laughed lightly before turning to make sure there weren't any eavesdroppers.

"Right, that wouldn't be a good idea. I will let him know to pick you up at your home." His laughter was contagious, but it soon died short as voices in the background could be heard.

"Well then, I'll be seeing you soon." Elizabeth beamed before disconnecting the call.

Walking back into the shop, she noticed that Alexander was cleaning the floor while Nicolas was looking up a part. Placing the phone back in it's designated place, Elizabeth walked around the counter so that she could have both males in front of her.

"Hey you two, I have some news to tell you." She smiled as both men turned to face her.

"What's up?" Nicolas questioned warily as he looked at woman.

"I have a business trip coming up next week, and you both will be keeping an eye on the shop. It will only be for about a week, so this coming Sunday until next Sunday. Of course, Nicolas will be in charge." Elizabeth spoke clearly as she watched the expressions on their faces.

"What kind of business trip?" Alexander asked while tilting his head to the side.

"I've been called to work on some military vehicles." She answered shortly as she continued to watch them.

"You sure you won't need any assistance?" Nicolas spoke with confusion.

"No, that won't be necessary. I'm pretty much just overseeing the work that their mechanics are doing. Nothing major really, but this is going to be a periodic thing." Elizabeth sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

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