Chapter 8

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It had been roughly three years since the battle that took place over the Matrix, and The Fallen was defeated. To Elizabeth, it felt like the time had flown by faster than anyone could say 'Autobot'. But, she couldn't say that she was disappointed with the achievements and progress that she and her family had over the last few years. Sam had gone back to college and graduated, however, Mikaela did end up breaking up with him partway through. Mikaela still spoke to Elizabeth often, so she knew the whole reason behind the breakup and she honestly understood her reasoning. Anyone could see that Sam had allowed his knowledge of the Autobots get to his head, and being able to work with the Autobots took more precedent than his relationship with his girlfriend. With that being said, Elizabeth had given the young man a good ear-full before finding out that Mikaela had started dating Alexander from her own shop. Mikaela actually started to help out around Ben's Mechanics shortly after the battle for the Matrix, and had moved in with Elizabeth for a short period of time before moving in with Alexander. Sometime after their breakup, Sam was invited to the White House and had the privilege of meeting the President and was awarded a medal for his heroics in Egypt. Elizabeth was also reached out to by Lennox and his superiors regarding relocating to Washington D.C., and with much coaxing, she finally caved in. She was able to open another garage in the D.C. area and do her normal kind of work, while also maintaining a close eye on her shop back home in Nevada. She hadn't put out any ads for her new location in D.C., but she did let Sam come around every once in awhile so that he could hang out with Bumblebee or any of the other Autobots that hung around, since he did just recently graduate from college. They had welcomed a few new faces to the Autobot team, and to say that Elizabeth didn't get along with them would be a complete lie. One of their newest additions was named, Que, and he absolutely adored the young woman. The other, Mirage a.k.a. Dino, enjoyed the woman's company and constantly asked her for new ideas for his paint job. The only new human to the whole Autobot and NEST team was their liaison officer. Galloway obviously never returned as the liaison and instead went to work elsewhere. He obviously valued is life and sanity. Instead, it was a woman with the last name, Mearing. Elizabeth absolutely hated that woman, and it was obvious that the feelings were mutual. It seemed that no matter what anyone said or did, the President just could not appoint someone who was compatible with the Autobot or NEST teams. Even Mearing's aide seemed to be treated poorly by the woman. The only person who didn't have to deal with Mearing was, Epps, since he had transferred to NASA to work with the Autobot team, the Wreckers. At first, Elizabeth was sad to see him go, but then she realized that Epps needed to have a break from all of the fighting. He had called a few times to complain about the Wreckers, but she couldn't help but notice the fondness his voice held.

Currently underneath Dino's vehicle frame, Elizabeth was pulling out some shrapnel that had gotten lodged deep in his underbelly. They had just returned from a secret mission overseas, and the Autobot felt the need to stop by her shop to get everything removed before returning to their base. This had become a regular occurrence for Elizabeth, since it seemed that either Bumblebee or Mirage would return with some sort of scrapes or holes in their armor. Wearing thick gloves, the woman pulled out what seemed like the fiftieth shard of sheet metal out of his undercarriage. Of course she knew that this was going to be her life, but she didn't think that these highly intelligent beings were going to be such babies.

"Liza! That really hurt!" Dino whined as his engine rumbled in discomfort.

"Well maybe next time, you won't drive through whatever it was that you drove through! Where on Earth did you guys go?" She grumbled as she finally rolled out from underneath him.

"It's a secret!" He laughed.

"Whatever. You're all done. Are we both returning to base?" Elizabeth sighed as she wiped her hands with a rag.

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