Doppio Vinegar

510 19 11

"You haven't seen the worst I can do".
Bad things happen with a pair of scissors.
WARNING: Ear trauma

I had this weird idea about how Doppio punishes you fro betraying the Boss but Diavolo sneacks in a bit in Doppio's body...

I'm sorry for being offline on June :(

I'm sorry for being offline on June :(

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"You haven't seen the worst I can do."

The way he said it—a gentle whisper, barely audible above your own ragged breathing—made it seem almost like he was stating a fact, and not giving a threat. You weren't able to see your interrogator or what he was doing, so you flinched away when he tugged at your hair, rewarded with only a metallic clink for your efforts as the cuffs resisted you moving even an inch. The sounds of dripping blood mingled with the noise. Each move you made elicited new waves of stinging pain through you, the result of several deep and deliberate cuts made along your back and shoulders. You got the feeling that you'd find a pattern to the wounds if you concentrated, but that was the last thing you wanted to do.

The cuffs made another musical clinking noise as you yanked on them again, a little more desperately this time. If he was amused by your futile struggle, your captor had the decency to not say anything. He took a few moments of silence to brush at your hair, pulling it away from your neck until all that remained were a few strands stuck in place by rivulets of sweat. You felt a chill, but you couldn't decide if it was from the continued gentleness he treated you with or the air-conditioned breeze wafting past.

You wish you were cold; being cold could have numbed the pain, even just slightly. Instead you were comfortable, too much so, the only chill you felt from the cooler air and the cold stone beneath your bare feet. There would be no distractions from what could only be a painful, prolonged murder.

It was enough to get a sad, slightly hysterical chuckle out of you, the noise echoing in the space and mingling with a dripping sound coming from somewhere (it sounded cavernous. Were you underground? In the catacombs, maybe?). Nero warned you that you'd mess up, that your Stand ability wasn't meant for this task and you didn't have the benefit of a team, and you should have listened to him. You should have listened to him.

You should have listened to him.

A phone rang, breaking you out of your reverie. The man behind you, who had gone from brushing your hair out of the way of your ears to inhaling the scent of your sweat and fear, quickly stepped away to answer it...or pretended to, anyway. You could swear he made that clicking sound with his tongue. What was going on? Was this some kind of weird tactic, to make you sweat and get you to spill whatever information he wanted faster?

You took the chance to turn your head as far as it would go to look at him. He seemed youngish, with flowing pink hair and a babyish face you could see only in profile. He must have been holding his phone in his other hand, but the conversation certainly seemed real; he was in animated whispered discussion with whoever was on the other end.

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