To be May Day or not to be May Day, that is what is going on here!

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The name is what it's all about. But I'm not going to mention here which names are great and which are not so great... although giving your character the last name Fucking I don't know if it's a good idea. 

I am referring to Václav Jebavý - a Czech writer and poet who was a representative of symbolism :-) His Surname means the "Fucking" I was talking about. 

For me, when it comes to names, it's an essential thing and I can often spend more time than I'd like on it, even if I stick to a few aids.

1) Geography

If my character is to be of French descent, I try to make the name sound French as well. Even in real life, you can often guess where the person may (but of course may not) come from based on their surname.

2) Characteristics

You will find out what I mean :-)

May Day = A woman who causes catastrophes wherever she goes.

Paige Turner = The writer of an international best-seller.

M. T. Head = A person who is not too bright.

You can find other names here:

Please if you write a story about Mr. M. T. Head and Ms. May Day let me know :-)

3) Name generators

What I can recommend for a website is this one:

- Fantasy Name Generator

I bow to the person who took the trouble to create something like this because you will find a large number of names there. You can generate names by country, wander into fantasy names, or there you will find generators for example describing a person, place, or armor. I really appreciate the Pop Culture section.

There are a large number of generators. If you have a favorite, don't be afraid to write down in comments :-)

4) Behind The Name

Or a website where you can find out the meaning of this or that name. Very interesting for inspiration.

Names must be easy to read, or at least well garbled. You should realize that your work will be read by people who know absolutely nothing about it and don't have our imagination, so of course they don't know how we thought the name would read. Don't you believe it? Here is an example:


- Write in the comments how you would read it.

I borrowed the idea of the name Ruhdrahrethen earlier from websites that I couldn't find now, so I apologize for not providing a link.

And how do you read that name?


(It is from the German language)

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