The volenteer (prims pov)

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I look around everyone stares they look almost frustrated and why wouldn't they I'm 12 so I can't win the youngest Victor is 14 and I have no survival skills what so ever I'm just a weakling and a target Suddenly there's a scream


It's katniss

Suddenly peacekeepers try and force her back

"I VOLUNTEER" she screams so loud I don't understand

she runs over and stands in front of me

She yells this time and I hear what she was saying

"I volunteer as tribute"

I hear my voice speak but it sounds strangled

"Katniss no!!"

She looks at me and I see the broken look in her eyes

"Go find Mum"

No I can't let her go to the games and die for me

"No katniss please"

Suddenly someone lifts me up and starts to carry me away I try kicking them thinking it's a peacekeeper I look at his face

It's gale

But why, doesn't he love her, doesn't he understand that she cant go if she goes and dies my and my mum will die gales family will die he's only one person and without Katniss, he would have more people to feed and no help

It has to be me who goes if I die in these games they'll have one less person to feed

It's too late I bury myself in my mother's dress and cry

"Peeta melark"

A strong-looking boy with blonde hair and destressed expression walks out from the crowed

I recognize his name katniss told me he was the boy who gave us the bread and saved our lives

His father runs the bakery

Katniss and Peeta are escorted from the stage and I break into a run

My mother and I sit in a weird room waiting to see katniss

"You can see her now" a peacekeeper informs us

When I enter the room I run into Katniss's arms

"Just try to win maybe you can"

She pauses for a second before answering

"Of course, maybe I can I'm smart you know"

"You can hunt"

She pauses and I look down feeling hopeless

My mocking jay pin katniss gave it to me this morning to protect me now I'll give it to her tributes are allowed tokens from their district she could have this

"Here, to protect you"

She looks up at me and whispers

"Thank you"

She kisses the top of my head and hugs me I start to fade out as she talks to my mother then a peacekeeper comes in and drags us out

I start crying again

"Promise you'll try"

I shout

Before the doors shut I hear the words

"I promise"

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