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ivy was currently in her room getting ready to go to one of her best friends, maya's house. she was supposed to be there at 3pm .. it was currently 3:43pm and she still couldn't choose an outfit that fit right.

" god, i have NOTHING TO WEAR !" she yelled, which wasn't completely true. she had just went shopping a few weeks ago .. but she could barely fit into any of them anymore because she had put on more weight.

once ivy finally found something that looks halfway decent on her, she finally left her house at 3:56pm. she had called maya right before just to apologize for being late and that she was heading there now.

(in the car)

"hey, why were you stressing about not knowing what to wear?? we went shopping for some new ones not too long ago." ivy's mom, rosalia, asked her.

ivy didn't want to respond because she knew how her mom would react. she wasn't in the mood to feel even worse than she already did.

"oh .. i just didn't want to risk getting them dirty .." she was praying her mom wouldn't notice she was lying.

"smart girl." thank god she didn't notice.

"you look cute in anything you wear anyway" rosalia complemented ivy. she knew she was just saying that because she was her mom.

"thanks mom .." ivy said with a slight smile.


they had finally arrived at maya's house, after what seemed like an hour car ride.

"thank you for driving me, mom!" ivy said.

"of course, babe! remember to be respectful and i'll call you in about an hour or 2 to check in!" rosalia said.

"got it! love you!" ivy said. " love you too, ives." her mother said using the nickname she gave her when she was a kid.

ivy walked up to the door and rang the doorbell and, almost instantly, the door opened.

"IVYYY!! omg we were like just talking about you like just now. i'm like a psychic .." said maya bringing ivy into a big bear hug.

"yea she isn't lying like i was there it's true!!" said anna going in for a hug right after maya.

"no way!" ivy said laughing. "sorry i came so late i was having an emergency with my clothes .." she said rolling her eyes.

"no don't worry about it! we were just playing sylvanian. you didnt miss much. " anna said.

"ok ok good!!" ivy said.

"hi yuki! thank you for inviting me." ivy thanked maya's mom.

"of course you're welcome anytime!" said yuki.


(hanging out in maya's room)
       *talking about summer!*

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