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we last left off with ivy feeling sorry about herself blah blah .. well she kept her word. since then she had lost a lot of weight and even gained curves. a lot of them. she hasn't seen maya and anna (or anyone for that matter) since the beginning of summer. she was a COMPLETELY different person. she couldn't be prouder. she finally got over her depression after months. there was a point in summer where she was about to give up because she was so. fucking. tired. but she didn't and thank god she didn't. because she finally got what she always dreamed for ..

she was hot.


ivy was on the phone with maya and anna while they were talking about everyone in their grade.

"wait do you know who else is in home room with us..? like .. sam?" said maya.

they were so in love with each other and it was painfully obvious. well to everyone except maya and sam.

"he wishes! he's like so in love with you!" anna said practically yelling.

"gross na! not in a million-trillion years! like hell. no!" maya said almost instantly.

you could practically feel hear lying through the phone.

while they were talking about sam, ivy was trying to choose the most perfect outfit for tomorrow. she definitely wanted to take advantage of her new .. gift. so she wanted to dress to impress.

"..not absolutely not. i heard that they broke up because heather gave a handjob to both brandt j. and dustin l. this summer." maya said.

"wait what?!" ivy chimed back into the conversation.

she hated hearing his name. he was always such a bitch to her. she hated how she had to see him everyday for the next year starting tomorrow. it was the only thing she wasn't looking forward to coming back to.

"that hoe bag!" anna said.

"i know right! such a slut!" maya added.

but ivy still couldn't wrap her head around it. it was so fucking gross. she gets it if it was with one guy, sure, but the fact that she did it to two within the same summer is so shitty. she's always hated heather.

"also i heard that connie m. grew double D's her last day at camp .." maya continued.

ivy could not believe what she was hearing ..

"are you shitting me right now?! you're telling me that i spent almost the ENTIRE summer doing everything i could to get mine this good and she just magically grew hers in one night?!! that is so unfair .." ivy said looking in the mirror. at her tits specifically.

she was proud of them yea but seriously?! in one night! fucked. up.

"right like that's so effed up! how's that even possible?!" anna agreed with ivy.

"i don't know it like happened in the middle of her sleep." maya answered.

"that's so unfair that that happens to people i wish that was me .." anna said.

ivy found herself wondering how the girls looked like now. i mean she hadn't seen them in over 3 months. it's not that much time but ivy did become unrecognizable within that time period so she couldn't help but wonder if they had gotten their periods yet or if they changed their hair. she just really wanted to see them.

"na? im going to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth. swear on your life." maya asked very sternly.

"swear." anna said.

" do I look exactly the same as last year?" asked maya.

ivy was confused why maya didn't ask her too in the beginning but now she knew why. she then realized that's she wasn't gonna be as close to them as she was last year. she hated thinking about that. sometimes she wished she could've seen them more but she knew she couldn't or else she'd lose her motivation.

by now anna had answered maya's question with a no. ivy was getting tired so she said goodnight and went to bed. tried to at least.


*beep beep .. beep bee-*

the alarm was cut off by ivy slamming her hand onto the clock. she dreaded every part of school but getting up was definitely one of the worst parts.

"ugh, fuck. my. life." ivy mumbled while forcing herself out of her very comfortable bed.

once she got up she took a nice hot shower to wake her up a bit. she didn't wash her hair because she had just washed it the night before. after that she did her usual morning routine.

school starts at 8:00am and it was currently 7:30am. ivy had some time to spare, so she decided to make a big breakfast. which might not seem like a big deal but it was to her. all she had eaten for breakfast for the past three months was either a smoothie or a banana. sometimes she wouldn't even have anything till late in the afternoon. she kinda got used to feeling dizzy all the time.

once ivy finished, she heard a honk outside. it was kathy, anna's mom, to come pick her up.

"bye mom love you!" ivy yelled from the door hoping to leave before her mom asked for a 'first day of school' photo. but she was too late.

"wait wait!! i just want one photo amor. (love) please?" rosa asked politely.

"bueno.." (fine) ivy gave in. she couldn't say no to her best friend. "..pero rápido que me están esperando!" (but quick because they are waiting for me)

"yay ok!!" rosa quickly took the photo.


"ok got it! love you! have a good day! oh and ives.." rosa paused.

"yea?" ivy asked.

"you look amazing .." rosa said quietly. and this time, ivy actually believed it.

"thank you mom. te amo! ciao!!"

okkkkkk!! so what do we thinkkkkk omg lmaooo!
as you can obviously tell, ivy is latina! i did translate everything they were saying in spanish, in english so that it's better for the ppl that can't understand!🤍
please lmk if there's anything i should add or any suggestions!!

-sincerely, bella⭐️

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