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Ajs jelly

Hey how you doin fella


oh thats good

aj no

aj yessss

𝓐𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓪 𝓰𝓲𝓵𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮

Aj and amelia were on the bus today along with rory because mj left without them because quote on quote she didnt want to deal with their flirty shit

Amelia was sat in her seat and aj was sitting behind her

This guy walked up to amelia tapped her shoulder since she had her headphones in

she let out a little scream hi! How may i help you

the guy chuckled a little and said um it would help if i could sit here

uh sure amelia was a little amazed that he was talking to her

the guy sat next to her and let out a sigh

amelia still staring at him in a daze

like what you see guy was bold


how ya doin fella aj was propped up on his elbows over the seat watching the guy

good the guy was still looking at amelia

Oh thats good?

aj no

aj yess

the guy looked between the two

are you two together


yes we are so if you could get up that would be amaze balls

the guy then got up and went to the back of the bus as aj switched seats to sit next to her

amelia just glared at him

oh cmon really

she crossed her arms and looked out the window putting her headphones back on maxing the volume

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