XIII-Bows & Arrows

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Summer days are long in the palace when there is little to do. When royal duties are droll and all one can do is stay inside. When the sun beats down and there are no clouds nearby to offer relief from the heat. When the palace begins to grow warm and humid, and the stench of the city below is amplified by the ripples of hot air dancing over the cobblestone.

Today is no such day.

Though Exegol is often cursed with an occasional heat wave, today's climate feels just as strange as its circumstances. The day is dull; grey clouds linger on the horizon and a cool breeze blows in from the bay. When the wind stills, a thick stickiness coats every inch of the flesh, suffocating even the most stubborn man until he feels like peeling his own skin off. The kind of humidity that boils up anger.

There is much to be angry about, in Kylo Ren's mind, more than just the weather. It has been a little over a week since the wedding. Besides the intermittent dinners or breakfasts with his new wife, married life has been just as dull as today's weather. The excitement of ceremonies, banquets, festivities, and tournaments has withered away.

Kylo Ren supposed those few days had been his honeymoon. No royal duties other than attending his own festivities. The moment every foreign attendee had departed for their homes, everything changed. The weight of his wedding prospects had ricocheted back at him.

Perhaps that is why he finds himself sitting behind his desk in heated discussion, instead of avoiding duty.

"You should call upon your council, Sire." Vicrul advises.

"If I wanted the opinion of my council, I would have called on them." Kylo replies coldly, shifting uncomfortably in his heavy layers when the breeze blowing through the window comes to an unpleasant halt. "They would have me wage war or avoid bloodshed. Whatever suits their interests for today."

"And..." Vicrul shifts his weight "what would you have me do?"

"Take the Knights of Ren and track down the traitors. Bring me their heads."

"Lady Rowena?"

"You can return her alive. We'll make an example out of her." Kylo pushes his chair back to stand.

"She will likely garner support. I'm sure there are others who are susceptible to her lies."

Kylo pushes a frustrated hand through his hair. "Rowena won't be a threat. We can handle her."

"It's not just her," Vicrul argues. "This morning, the viceroy was reported missing. Word is he was seen fleeing the palace in the night with Rowena. They're going to return to her home. House Bespin is surely preparing for war."

"They would be foolish to do so," he snaps. "To declare war with Exegol is a death wish."

The knight leans over the map that had been sprawled across the table. His gloved hand traces over the kingdoms surrounding Bespin. "All of these strongholds, Houses, and fortresses have an alliance with Bespin. Hux's House will favor him, as will all of their allies. I don't doubt that he'll be able to persuade some of the others that you have made a mistake."

"A mistake?" Kylo hisses.

"Her. I have nothing against her, you know this. But anyone who does not know her will be easily convinced that your selection for queen will weaken the kingdom." Vicrul crosses his arms.

Kylo presses his lips together, deep in thought as he stares down at the map. "Then we will prove them wrong. See to it that she is given a tutor. Her previous schooling won't be enough for the capital. I want her sitting in at all court meetings. She needs to learn everything within weeks."

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