XIV-The Beating of Your Heart

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"Come in, Eda."

The door to your chambers sweeps open. It is in fact a young woman wearing the regulation red and black clothing of an attendant, but her face is not one that is familiar to you. She enters shyly with her hands clasped politely in front of her and her head low, eyes to the ground. She is far younger than your own attendant, this much is clear, and is likely new to the staff.

Her blond-brown hair has been swept up neatly in a low bun; far too neat for a girl so young and so new to the palace. It is likely the work of one of the older girls who have encouraged her to make a good impression. How nerve-wracking it must be, to be new to the job and suddenly be expected to wait on the queen.

"Who are you?" You speak plainly.

"Talea," she replies in a timid voice. Her head lifts and her blue eyes suddenly widen. "If it please you, Your Grace."

Her nerves are no secret to you. Not wanting to terrorize her, you offer her a kind smile. "Good morning, Talea."

Relieved that you are thoughtful of her shyness, she relaxes and offers a soft, "good morrow, Your Grace."

The remnants of your breakfast sit on a silver tray atop the table. The polished tray glitters and shines in the rays of light that beam through the curtains, casting shimmering reflections onto the ceiling above. Gone is the icy wind and the strange humidity that had swept through the kingdom and muddled the air with its stench. A pleasant warmth accompanied by a cool breeze had settled when the sun rose over the city and cast its rays through white cotton clouds.

Auspicious weather for a day you had been looking forward to for many nights.

Today, Cerelia would return from her honeymoon with her new lord husband. You have longed for the presence of a true friend for many nights. The company of the lords and ladies of the court has grown tiresome and you find yourself drained of energy from plastering a falsified smile on your face until your cheeks ached. Their simpering grows more exhausting by the day.

"You aren't one of mine." You observe as she approaches you. "Where is Eda?"

"She's not feeling well, Your Grace. May I?" Her hands reach nervously for your chemise.

For a moment, her hands still just above the delicate fabric. It certainly must have been strange, you think, for a young girl who had been told that queens and kings were closer to the gods than to men to be required to change the clothes of one. The moment her fingertips brush over the material of your dress and she finds that it had not burned her in any way, she busies herself in undressing you.

Having done your own hair this morning, you stand in front of the full-length mirror and wait for Talea to dress you while you fiddle with a meddlesome earring. The servant doesn't say much as she quickly tugs at and loosens the ties of your chemise. Despite the warmth, your skin pebbles when it is bared to the room.

You frown at Talea through the mirror, watching her fumble with the inner layers of your clothing. She appears to press her lips together and hold her breath in her cheeks. "Is everything alright?"

"Apologies, Your Grace." Her fingers jump anxiously. She sniffles as she pulls the cloth back over your head. "I've just been brought in as a replacement. A lot of the girls are sick this morning. I have never... served royalty before. I thought if I spoke less, it would please you."

"And if you held your breath you would not breathe out whatever sickness you may have caught?" You muse, raising your brows at her innocence.

Talea swallows and exhales slowly. She must have realized just how ridiculous it sounded. "I'm sorry, Your Grace."

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