~ 🦇 ~

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Parties had never been his style, but when Mike’s friend Rayne had invited him to come along with her and Annie to this party, how could he resist! They had spent hours planning matching outfits and talked about it with Clyde repeatedly. Mike let out a loud breath he didn’t realize that he’d been holding as he looked up at the building. “Come on Mikey! You’ll be fine!” Rayne hit him on the arm gently and took his hand. “If you need to go just say the word, ok? I won’t leave your side.” She gave him a heartwarming gentle smile and he returned the favor.

They stood outside the door for a moment before Mike nodded and they headed in. Immediately the smell of alcohol, weed, and gummy bear surprise hit like a tsunami. Mike let go of Rayne’s hand and looked around for Annie who they immediately spotted talking to Wendyll. “I’m just here to keep Bebe in check.” Wendy sighed looking off at the Blonde-haired woman who was dancing with another girl who Mike recognized, or at least thought, was Heidi. “Mikey! Raynie!” Annie immediately went up and hugged her two fellow vampires. “Wendyll! This is Mike and Rayne! Mike, Rayne, this is Wendy or Wendyll!” Annie spoke with a huge smile on her face, prompting an awkward wave to each other. “Uhm… Drink?” Wendy asked, holding up some cans. “No than- “Mike was going to explain that he was alcohol free but was so rudely cut off.

“I’ll take ‘em! I’ll take Mike’s too!” Rayne took two of the cans from Wendy and opened one. Wendyll nodded, taking a sip from his own. They all awkwardly stood there talking about God knows what, Wendy staring off at Stan and Kyle every now and then. “Oh my god! Go talk to your boyfriends dude!” Annie pushed Wendy off towards the two boys, earning a frustrated hum from Wendy who, though reluctantly, went over to the childhood best friends. Mike began to mess with the corset he was wearing, now realizing how uncomfortable it was on his back. “Mike you ok?” Rayne asked, gently tugging at Mike’s hand earning a jolt from Mike. “Yes, sorry. Uhm, I’m going to… Go get some fresh air, stay here please.” Mike walked off to the back porch, not wanting to stay in the vile smelling room much longer. The air was so thick with weed he wouldn’t doubt he was second-hand smoking and now high from that.

Mike slumped down onto the porch, running his hands through his hair in a mixture of frustration and overstimulation. He took a few deep breaths allowing the air to hit him. He took a few moments before taking out his headphones, and phone, and playing some music for himself. He scrolled through his playlist for what seemed like forever before landing on Pretty Boy by Poutyface like he usually did. He leaned against one of the beams of the porch and soaked in the cold wintery air that had always seemed to last forever. He began humming along to the song attempting to calm his nerves, he knew moments like this would never last forever even though he’d love them to stay like this forever and ever. Eventually he would have to go back inside, and God he did not want to. The party was too loud, his clothes were too warm, the air was too thick, so on and so forth.

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