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Mike made his way inside the house. He looked around for Rayne since she hadn’t been in the spot she was previously in when he’d left the house. He dodged drunk girls and boys and avoided the conversations people tried to pull him into. “Hey, have you seen Rayne?” Mike asked Bebe who just shook her head and went back to her conversation with Tolkien and Clyde. Mike muttered a string of cuss words under his breath as he made his way to the other side of the house where they held all the alcohol.

Mike put his hair up in a ponytail in the process, trying to limit the overstimulating factors of his everyday life. “Fuck.” He repetitively muttered, his eyes flicking from person to person trying to find the bleach blonde girl he’d come with. He finally made it to the table, assuming Rayne would be there but, as the unluckiest boy in the world, she wasn’t. Mike began to have a mini meltdown. He leaned against the table and took a few deep breaths as a pathetic attempt to calm himself down. After a few minutes he pushed off of the table and made his way to the bathroom, removing his jacket and flipping his green heart shaped sunglasses onto his head. “Fuck. Fuck dude. Fuck me. God dammit.” Mike kept muttering as he pushed the bathroom door open, shutting it behind him and slumping up against the door, practically ripping off his corset as he did. He whipped out his phone and began frantically texting Annie and Rayne, but never got a reply.

“I hate parties.” He muttered.

"My Prince of The Night" PIKE!! South Park Fic!Where stories live. Discover now