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DISCLAIMER! The joke in this is not meant to be sexualization it's in a BROTHERLY LOVE way! Please do NOT take this as sexualization. I don't feel as though I should have to say it but the South Park Fandom can be extremely sensitive.



“This is stupid.” Michael commented as he allowed Henrietta to finish off his eyeliner. “Yeah, but it’s free weed and booze. Plus it’s at Tolkien’s house, He’s rich.” Firkle replied, kicking his feet as he texted someone on his phone. Michael scoffed and rolled his eyes as he straightened his posture. “Free booze. Yeah.” He hopped off the chair he’d been sitting on and purposefully smudged the eyeliner. “I’m not doing it for the booze.” He spoke as if he was in some deep heroic monologue. Firkle let out a loud groan as he walked into the other room, not wanting to hear another second of Michael’s obsession with the blonde Raisins girl.

“Stupid boyliker. Can’t dress nice for one little party.” Firkle watched as Pete posed in the full-length mirror in Henrietta’s living room. Pete took off his pendant with a quick tug and threw it onto the couch. “God, nothing works!” Pete yells at himself, clearly frustrated. “You ok there, boyliker.” Firkle mocked, leaning against the doorframe and going back onto his phone making Pete jump at the sudden noise. “God, yeah. Sorry. Just… Not used to parties.” Pete sighed, letting his body go limp as he fell back onto the couch. “Uh-huh. Well, I’m going to go get there early… for uhm… the good booze?” Firkle lied, shooting finger guns at Pete and walking out of the house.

In all reality, he was going to see Ike Broflovski. Child Protégé and his lab partner. His crush. He’d claimed for years on end that he’d never find love because he didn’t have time for that conformist stuff, But when the Canadian boy sat next to him in science and treated him like an actual human being and not some kind of alien he couldn’t help but feel some type of way.

Ike B. : My brother wont let me go to the party, but that doesn’t stop us from sneaking out.

Firkle smiled at the text on his phone, a goody two shoes like Ike sneaking out was pretty funny to him. He gave a simple “Yay >:D” and continued his way, climbing over fences and what not to avoid being on the main road and getting caught sneaking off to his crush’s house. He finally made it to the Broflovski household and knocked on the door. He was greeted by a unusually well-dressed Stan Marsh, he had on his regular band shirt, his own band shirt Crimson Dawn, along with black ripped jeans and a few bracelets. His hair was messily swept back and god damn did hair change a person’s entire personality. Firkle was pulled out of thought as Stan called up for Ike.

“Yo Ike! Firkle’s here.” Stan moved out of the way to allow Firkle in, he dipped his head in respect and walked in, and as soon as he did Ike came barreling down the stairs in his normal suit. “Firkle! I mean… Hey.” Ike made himself look cool and calm, but deep down he was so excited he could explode at any moment. Ike grabbed Firkle’s wrist and ran upstairs with him, flipping Kyle and Stan off as they made jokes about them needing to keep their door open.

“Sorry about them.” Ike muttered, settling down onto his bed while Firkle stood there awkwardly. “It’s fine, I’ve dealt with worse. Henri’s parents wont even let Michael near her.” Firkle monotonously spoke as he sat down on the floor, earning a eyebrow raise from Ike. “You don’t have to sit on the floor dude.” Ike sternly spoke, sitting up and pulling Firkle up. Firkle allowed this and just kept his mouth shut, I mean his crush was holding onto his arm and pulling him up onto his bed. How amazing!

“So uhm, I uhm. Yeah. I added onto the project!” Firkle smiled, trying to hide the blush on his face. Ike scooted closer to the older boy as he opened his journal. Ike watched as Firkle flipped through pages upon pages of notes and doodles, finally coming across a page labeled Ike & Firkle: Dumb ass Project. Ike let out a light laugh as he looked at the name, glancing at Firkle as he did. “Uhm… Yeah! I just think that we should focus on how it helps the environment and less on how it helps us.” Firkle explained, pointing at a piece of the writing he’d spent hours perfecting just for Ike. Ike nodded and took the notebook into his own hands, scanning over the paper and rereading it over and over again trying to really sink in the knowledge. “This seems good, I like it.” Ike hummed, staring at Firkle’s now a light shade of red. “I uhm… thanks?” Firkle smiled.

“Here twerps.” Stan threw a condom at Ike. “Don’t fuck too loud me and Kyle are heading out.” He teased with a cocky smile earning a sound of disgust from both younger boys. “Get out of my room!” Ike yelled, throwing a small rock at Stan which prompted Stan to leave and catch up with Kyle. “God, I am. I’m sorry.” Ike blushed; Ike Broflovski blushed. Firkle’s eyes practically sparkled once more. “S’no problem!” Firkle smiled, standing up and placing his notebook on Ike’s desk. “Shall we get ready?” Firkle asked. “Yes, yes we should.” Ike smiled.

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