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Fuck, fucking hell. Mike look what you’ve gotten yourself into now. Pete Thelman, his crush since 5th grade sitting against the door, in a bathroom they were both in, watching Mike cry like a little girl. How pathetic. Mike stared at Pete, dumbfounded. He didn’t know what to say or do. Did he make small talk? Did he spark up a conversation? Or should he just wait for Pete to start talking? He doubted Pete would ever talk to him willingly, so he decided to start the conversation.

“Uhm so… you look nice…” Mike spoke, his voice trembling the whole time since he’d been crying for god knows how long. Pete just looked at Mike as if he’d committed several war crimes. “Thanks.” Pete muttered. “You do too.” He practically whispered as he brought his eyes down to the floor.

"My Prince of The Night" PIKE!! South Park Fic!Where stories live. Discover now