Jan sat on the stool beside Avneet's bed. She held avneet's hands as a tear rolled down her cheek. Avneet chuckled weekly looking at her, and wiped her tears with her treambling hands.
Jan: I'm sorry. We were late. If we were on time, this might not have happened with you. (while crying)
Avu: No Jan, it's not your fault. It isn't any of yours fault. The fault is mine, I should've listened to you.
Sid: Umm... Ashu, come outside, I wanna have a talk with you.
Ashu: Uhhh... Okay... I guess.
Sid and Ashu left.
Their side.
Sid: What did you actually say to avneet huh?
Ashu: What did I say to her. I don't even know what you're talking about.
Sid: Ashu don't try to act innocent okay? I know something happened between you both.
Ashu: Sid, for that bitch, who's your face-off, you're now fighting with me. Why?
Sid: I'm not fighting okay? Just tell me what happened. You did something to her, didn't you?
Ashu: What if that's a thing I can't tell a boy?
She said while folding her arms. Sid's face went red.
Sid: Is... Ahem... Is that so?
Of course, he is shy in these matters.
Ashu: It is.
Sid: O-Okay than. Sorry.
He said and went inside the room again.
Ashi smirked as she remembered what actually happened.
Avu: Ashi, you can do anything you want to do with me. But please just don't tell anyone about it.
Ashi: Don't tell what? The thing that you raped my brother and than accused him for everything?
Avu: I didn't do anything to him. It was him who-
She was cut off by a tight slap on her cheek.
Ashi: You were the one. My brother is innocent. He can't do anything like that to anyone.
Avu: I hope you know the truth someday. But I'm here to request. Not to fight.
Ashi: Reque *Scoff* Request? What?
Avu: That you won't tell anyone about our past.
Ashi: Hmm? Okay than. But there's one condition.
Avu: What?
Ashi: That you're gonna get your filthy ass away from this house. Get the hell out, no matter what!
Avu: But-
Ashi: Okay than, I'll tell everyone-
Avu: NO! I-I mean, no, I-I'll go.
Ashi: Good girl!
And with that, both of them went outside.
*Just wait and watch bitch. I'll make sure to make you pay. Just in your way, you'll be stuck in something big. And the same thing will happen to you that you did to my innocent brother* Ashi thought with a smirk.
Ashi's pov.
Ugh! I don't know what everyone find in this avneet that they believe her. My whole plan is flopped now. I'll tell these 3 idiots later. I mean, they didn't even clean the blood traces, and biggest thing, hid her in an underconstruction building real near. WOW!