Sm1 was parking her car when....
Sm1: Damn it! Heeey! (While coming out of car)
Sm2: Don't even dare to park your car in my area.
Sm1: Why? Have you booked it? Mad boy...
Sm2: No! I haven't but...
Sm1: (cuts him off) Than shut up!
Sm2: You shut up!
Sm1: Shut the hell you! Damn it!
Sm2: You.... You... You... Uuurrghhhgh!
Sm1: Ya say... Me?.. Wht were ya saying?
Sm2: Shuuuttt uuuppp!
Sm1: Why? Are you president of this IAE?
Sm2: (loudly) Wooooww! Guys listen! She is asking am I the president of this IAE.... (Normally) For your kind information I am.
Sm1: Nice joke huh....
Sm2: Think as you want... I am and that's reality...
Sm1: Whatever... You Mr:whoever! Cuz of you my car is having a dent on it
Sm2: 1st I'm not Mr:whoever you miss:whtever.I'm siddhart nigam. And 2nd whtever.
Sm1: You Mr:nigam... I'm also not Mrs:whtever.i'm avneet. Now you'll repare it..
Sid: I'll not..
Avu: Mooommmmyyyyy!
Sid: Bye! You nakchadi...
Avu: H... Hey!
He left.
Avu: You'll regret it Mr:nigam...
After smtime.
Sid was in cafe.
He was sitting on a chair.. When he wanted to take his mobile out.. He took his mobile but felt smthing missing in his pocket. He again checked it when he realised that his car keys were missing.
Sid: (while checking his pocket) Where is it?
He checked evy where inside collage just parking area is left. He went there and saw too much people.. He went forward and saw sm1 was driving his car round and round... Continuously.
Sid: (shouts too much loudly) Hey! Stooooooopppp!
She finally stopped after smtine... He was red with anger.
She came out of car and stood in front of him smirking.
Sm1: Now tell me... I told you... You'll regret it...
Sid: You bastard... Wht the hell.
Sm1: Mind your words.
Sid: You Mrs:avneet... I'll see you later.
Avu: Ya ya whtever.... You fake president of this IAE....
Sid: Wht-ever...
Avu:Shut up! And take this. (While handling him the keys.)
Sid: You..... Uuurrghhhhh...
Avu: Bandar ke bache shut up!
Sid: You nakchadi...
Avu: I'm not nakchadi.
Sid: You are nakchadi.
Avu: I'm not...
Sid: Nakchadi. Nakchadi... Nakchadi.
Avu: Stop calling Mr that...
She was going when Sid held her arm and put her against the wall. Caging her between wall and him..
Avu: Leave my arm... (While gritting her teeth)
Sid: Wht if I'll not... (While making his grip more stronger)
Avu: (in pain) Aahh! Leave me bandar.
Sid: I'll not you nakchadi.
Avu: Stop calling me thaaaatt!
Sid: I'm not calling you that I'm calling you nakchadi.
Avu: Uuuurrgggghhh!
Sid left her arm which was a lil bleeding.
Avu: You bandar...
Sid: You nakchadi..
Avu: I'll take revenge...
Sid: Ok than... From now you're my face-off.
Avu: I not scared you know... I accept your challenge...
This is for today.
Hope ya all like it.
Take care.