Double Update ✌...
"THE 3RD CULPRIT; RIA!!! HER PHONE JUST TURNED ONN!!" Siddhart shouted and everyone immediately came towards him.
"What's the location!?" Avneet asked immediately and Siddhart checked it.
"It's..." Siddhart said with his eyes widening.
"It's in Chandigarh!" Siddhart said and they immediately got up.
"Keep on tracking, we need to go there as fast as we can. Everyone, get ready!" Abhishek saud and everyone went to their rooms and got ready with all the required things.
They came outside and sat in 2 cars.
In one car, Abhishek is driving and Vaish I'd sitting on the passenger seat. Behind, Siddhart sat in between with the laptop in his hand and kept on tracking. Avneet and Jannat beside him. Behind them sat Faisu, Jai and Krupa.
In the other car, Riyaz was driving with Anushka on the passenger seat. Behind them sat, Ashi, Randeep, and Ashnoor. Behind them sat Reem.
(If anyone is left, please tell me and I'm sorry, also, I'll tell just Abhishek's car's scenes, as the others are following him)
After 2 hours, they reached at the location."Stay alert everyone!" Abhishek said and just like the orders in the cars, they parted in two groups with their locations onn.
Just than, they heard police sirens.
"Police?" Jai said, confused.
The officers came in and found the group.
"What are y'all doing here?" Ankit asked.
"Well, we were tracking them and one of the culprits; Ria's phone turned onn, we got to know the location and came here" Randeep replied.
"Okay than, you're already parted in groups I assume" Ankit said and they nodded.
"We'll part in groups too, let's connect the earpods" Ankit said.
After some time, they did all the work and now are roaming around in parts.
Suddenly, gunshots started and everyone hid behind things that would cover them we'll and started shooting too. There were suddenly guards and all.
Avneet was about to get shot when suddenly, someone cane in front of her and got shot on the chest instead.
"K-Krupa!" Avneet exclaimed as she kept a hand on her mouth. Just than, Siddhart came there and hugged her, bidding her face in his chest.
"Don't look" He said as Avneet once more cried in his embrace.
"KRUPA!!" She shouted between her sibs and Siddhart's tears fell too. They were also best friends. They were the prank trio. They used to pull strange pranks on everyone.
"Sshhh..." He tried his best to not to sound like he wasn't crying, but his voice sounded like broken.
"SID!! AVU!! WE NEED TO GO FIND THE GIRLS!! THE OTHERS ARE HANDELLING THIS!!" Jannat shouted as cuz of the gun shots, it was hard to hear someone.
There stood Jannat, Faisal, Anushka and Riyaz with two other police officers.
But when they noticed Avneet is crying, they bent down.
"What happen-" Jannat was cut off by Anushka.
"KRUPA!!!" Anushka shouted as she went towards her and got to know that she's already dead and started crying.
"Guys! It's not the... Time to cry! Let's go and find the other girls!" Faisal shouted, trying to control his tears.
The others calmed down and left while trying to protect themselves.
Siddhart was trying his best to protect Avneet, he had came in front of her and if he saw anyone other than the officers or the group members, he would shoot. They would shoot.
After 30 minutes of struggle, they finally found a room with extra safety and shouting from I side.Gottcha!
They immediately went there and quietly knocked every guard down and broke the lock by the gun and went inside, just to fine 5 girls sitting there, with their hair and outfits messed up, there eyes blood shot cuz of crying with their hands, legs and mouths tied.
All of them immediately went towards them and opened them and they cried.
"He didn't do anything wrong to you... Did he?" Avneet asked them, calmly.
"He-He..." One of the girls, the 1st culprit; Payal started but cuz of sobbing, she couldn't speak at all.
Avneet hugged her and cakmed her down. After she did, she broke the hug and looked at Payal.
"What did he do?" Avneet asked, calmly.
"He-He R-Raped- Me! He-He tor-tortured m-me!" Payal said while crying even more. Avneet hugged her again while the others pittied her, and Siddhart closed his eyes tightly, trying to supress his anger when he noticed Avneet controlling her tears. She definitely recalled the time when it all happened to her. He hated it so much when she cried, he felt like he was drowning.
"Let's go now! We really need to go! I guess all of them are dead cuz the gun shots has stopped now!" Riyaz said.
They took the girls out safely and now are standing near their own car. Avneet was still crying for Krupa, until she noticed something and that increased her heart beat."Where is... Noor?' Avneet asked, about Ashnoor.
"She... Got... Sho-Shot in the... Head..." Vaish said as she started sobbing that she was controlling from paat minutes.