2 - Don't stop trying

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His laugh, which wasn't common

After living in Portland for about a month, I quickly came to see that the girls at my school are mostly about the same as the last ones and the only thing the boys in my class care about is hitting on any living thing in sight. They would probably flirt with a frog.

I walk into the science classroom, and even through it's been a month since i started here, the anxiety and fear still remained. I had made a few friends, although i was very close with Kai's sister, Jo.

"You must be Juliet, you're new right?" A girl with black hair asked me, she was really pretty. I try my best to get over my anxiety from earlier. "Yes I am, it's nice to meet you...." I wait for her to finish my sentence. "Josette, but you can call me Jo." She says with a smile and offers her hand out to shake, i accept it. She seems sweet, but she seems strangely familiar, i can't place it. "You might know my brother Kai, you guys have the same science room."

"Oh, your brother is Kai?" I ask, kind of dumbfounded. "Yes and I know he's kind of a dick, but he's my brother so please don't-" I kinda cut her off, but just because i don't want her under the impression I don't like kai. Which honestly i don't but hes not bad. "No no! I didn't mean it in a bad way I was just surprised, im actually partners with him in science." After i finish my sentence there's a peaceful silence.

"I like you Juliet, you seem like the type of person i want to be friends with." She says, i smile at her, not a forced smile like i've been giving all day when people come up and introduce themselves to me and then don't ever talk to me. "Thank you." I say, I think me and Jo are gonna get along just fine.

I sit down next to Kai and listen to the teacher talk for what feels like forever before he finally lets us work. "Alright class, today I'll let you choose your partners, or if you want, groups, but if you're too loud i will take that away. Be wise" All the fear that was there when i walked in on the first day of school all comes rushing back. I sit still, unaware of what to do, or who to partner up with.

My only option is Kai, and he doesn't seem to like me very much. A group of boys come over, the leaders name is Andy, I think, i don't pay enough attention to them. "Hey Julie, we know your somewhat new, so we just wanted to invite you to our group." As soon as the words leave his mouth I want to gag and throw up. The nickname from someone i don't even know is extremely creepy and im sitting here wishing i was dead. I try to muster up the courage for a response.

There's an awkward silence, God if your out there, please just kill me now. "Um, no thank you." I say, as politely as possible. Andy and his friends give me the dirtiest look possible, as if I had just rejected a million dollar offer. No thanks. "Okay then, have fun with this freak." Andy said, why is he so mad? We literally talked for 3 seconds, it's not like we're lifelong friends.

I start to wish Jo was in this class, then i'd have someone to partner up with. I figure if one Parker twin isn't here, i'll just partner up with the other. I turn to Kai and- "No." He says, rather quickly. "Why?" I ask him, he gives me a look of Are you stupid? I sigh and look back to the books with instructions. And just as i'm about to go sit by myself somewhere, he starts laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask him, giving him a confused look. He turns his head and i'm finally able to analyze his features after he had kept his head down for nearly a month. He has a sharp jawline, with blue eyes that i swear you could get lost in. I won't go too into detail but you get my point. He's hot.

TAKE ON ME - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now