4 - Don't forget this night

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"Maybe it's a blessing in disguise,
I see my reflection in your eyes"

Halloween usually wasn't something I celebrated, considering we moved from town to town for my moms jobs. But when we did celebrate, we went all out. King sized candy bars and all, I never got to enjoy the night of junk food eating and excessive outfits because my mom refused to let my teeth rot, and I was never able to go to halloween parties because according to my mom. "Boys will take advantage of you."

Although I understand where she's coming from, I wish i could've had a highschool experience and the lows and the highs, and the fun times I could've had with friends.

But this year is different, since i've moved in with the Parkers, the state has granted temporary custody since they were deemed the best fit after my mom vanished.

Tonight there's some big annual Halloween party that happens every year, a big bonfire and costumes. And I couldn't lie, I was pretty excited. Me and Jo went shopping and I picked out a costume that seemed pretty fitting to me. Juliet's angel costume from Romeo and Juliet. Although I never read shakespeare, I did watch the movie. I cried at the ending.

(Okay quick little A/N here, i know Romeo and Juliet came out in 1996, for the sake of the plot. just ignore that)

Jo was dressed as something I could only describe as a... Sexy cat? I don't really know, but she looked cute. I don't understand the appeal of dressing up as an animal and making it sexy but she likes it, so that's all that matters.

I haven't talked to Kai after the incident in my room. He hasn't really been around anyways so it hasn't been that hard to avoid him.

Me and Jo are in the bathroom getting ready, and she's trying to do my eyeliner, but her hands keep shaking. "Jo it's okay you don't have to do my eyeliner if you don't want to." I tell her with a small smile. "No it's not that, it's just.... Nevermind" She says, continuing to do my eyeliner. I wonder what she wanted to say, but I don't want to pry. So I let it go.

After a few minutes she successfully does both wings and adds some sparkly eyeshadow, im not really a makeup wearer, but I think all girls look beautiful with and without it. "Alright, all done." She says with a smile, wiping the makeup on her hands onto a towel. "Thank you Jo, it looks great." I tell her.

"Alright, let's go before it gets too late otherwise Kai won't drive us." She says, I nod. We walk out of the bathroom and head down the hallway towards Kai's door, Jo knocks a few time and he doesn't answer, she knocks again. I sigh, and just when I thought we were doomed, Kai opens the door.

My mind short circuits when i see Kai. There's fake blood around his lips, which i have a hard time taking my eyes off of. His hair is spiked up, not to the point where he looks stupid, but instead he looks crazy hot. "What do you want Josette. I'm busy." He says, Jo rolls her eyes. "Doing what?" She asks, and he rolls his eyes and then directs his attention over to me, looking me up and down.

"Juliet as Juliet. Real clever." He says sarcastically. "A vampire, real original," I shoot back, he rolls his eyes. "We need a ride to the Halloween party." Jo states, Kai gives her a look and begins to close the door, which I put my hand on to stop it from closing. "Please Kai." I ask, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

He sighs, and nods his head yes. Me and Jo squeal in excitement, Kai looks at us weird and grabs his keys. I'm really excited, this is my first time going to any party, but a weird feeling lingers in my stomach, I push it away. My overthinking won't ruin this night for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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