3 - Don't give me up

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"You never realize what you have until it's gone."

The cold autumn air brushed against my cheeks and I could feel my cheeks turn pink. It's been a month or two since me and Jo became friends. My mom hasn't been home in a month, and it's actually starting to worry me. I tried calling her, but the landline would go silent.

Since she hasn't been home, i've been forced to move into the Parker family's home since there was no one to pay the rent, buy groceries, or pay the water bill which I will assume was never paid based off the fact that our shower and sink turned off after about a week of her being gone. I tried to hide it from Jo, but after about 2 days i was starting to go a little insane after not having any showers.

I told her after day 3 when the power shut off and I could no longer do anything. Jo being the kind, caring, person she is, begged her mother and father to let me stay. And they agreed.

I feel badly for barging into the nice family's home, I was given my own room and Joshua and Mary had bought me new clothes and all that. I'm extremely appreciative for them and I think I might've killed myself if I didn't have a shower within another 24 hours.

The last time I talked to my mother, we were on the phone and she was telling me there was something "extremely strange" going on, at the place where she was currently at for business, Mystic Falls. Which the name is already a dead giveaway, it even sounds creepy.

I'm hoping she comes back soon. We don't have the best relationship I know, but she's still my mom, and I still love her. Speaking of parents, Mr and Mrs. Parker have been acting strange lately, so has Jo, telling me to keep my distance from Kai, which I pretty much did already. The only time we talk is at dinner or if it's relevant.


I walk out from my room, heading towards the bathroom to go take a shower. Jo has come down with a cold, I hope she's okay, but i'm not going near her. I don't want to get sick.

I walk into the bathroom and set my clothes neatly on the counter. School, has unfortunately not gotten any better, it seems every day that passes is just a cycle of stress and torment. Andy finally left me alone, after he followed me to Kai's car, in desperate hopes of getting lucky, Kai told him to fuck off and after that i never saw him, not even in the hallways. I hope he's not hurt, although he is pretty rude and unbearable to talk to, I wouldn't wish something bad on him.

I turn on the shower, and wait for it to get hot, which feels like forever. After it's finally the right temperature, I strip of my school clothes, and get in the shower.

After about 5 minutes of being in the shower, there's a knock. And before i'm given time to respond, the door opens. Loud obnoxious whistling fills my ears and i'm immediately caught off guard, it takes everything in me not to pass out right here, right now. "Get out Kai!" I scream, he laughs. "I'm serious Kai get out!"

"I have to pee." He says, and even though i can't see his face, I can tell he's smirking. "There's two bathrooms for a reason!" I scream again, I feel like fainting due to the fact that there was just a thin shower curtain, keeping us apart. "Yeah, but I like this one better. Plus Lucas clogged the downstairs one. Whew, that toilet has seen some stuff." He says.

"I did want to know that." I exclaim, but when i hear his belt unbuckle, I lose my train of thought and immediately get extremely wrong thoughts. "You're such a pervert." I say, he stays quiet and i can hear him unbutton his jeans. "Kai, seriously?!" I yell, putting my hands over my ears to hopefully block out the sound of him peeing. Ew.

Finally, after about a minute, i unplug my ears. "Are you done?" I ask him. "Yep." He says, I can hear him button his jeans back up and walk towards the door. "God, you're so weird sometimes." I mumble as he walks out the door.

I continue on with my shower and once the water turns cold, I figure it as my sign to get out. I turn the water off and get out, wrapping my towel around my body. I go to grab my underwear, and realize they aren't there. I swear i grabbed them.

I sigh and open the door to go get them. I walk down the hall to my room, and it's eerily quiet, usually with as many kids as the Parkers have, it's never quiet. I ignore it and open the door to my room, and then i see Kai on my bed. Seriously? Can a girl do anything in peace?

Before I can ask him why he's in my room, he gives an answer. "I need my shirt back" He says, What shirt? I think to myself. "I don't have any of your shirts Kai." I tell him, wrapping my towel tighter around my body as he looks me up and down.

"Well, im assuming Jo gave you all those shirts to sleep in right?" He says, I nod my head. "Well you can keep the rest but I need one back" He tells me. Ohhh, so that's where those shirts came from, I knew they were too big to be Jo's. "Okay well can I give it to you later? I need to change."

"Hmm.... No. I kinda need it like right now." He says, giving me a weird look, which I don't think i've ever seen before. "Fine, since you insist."

Kai's Pov:

I don't actually need my shirt back. I just really wanted to see her in a towel. After getting the clever idea to steal her underwear from the bathroom, I knew she would have to walk back to her room to go get more.

My thoughts weren't dirty at the time, when i stole them. But now that i'm thinking about it, i'll probably keep them.

Juliet walks to her dresser and digs through it for a moment. "What does it look like, i'm not psychic you know." She says. "Here i'll help you." I say, I crouch down next to her on the floor and begin to fake search for a T-shirt that doesn't exist. "Kai move,  I can feel you breathing on me, it's creepy." She tells me, well if it has an effect on her, might as well do it again."

I breath heavily on her neck and she shudders before shoving me to the side playfully. I shove her back a little harder, hoping her towel might fall. It almost does, but she catches a death grip on it and gives out a small laugh, I start to think her knuckles might explode if she holds on any tighter.

I stand up and sigh, giving a fake disappointed look at the fact we couldn't find my non- existent shirt. "It's okay, I guess i'll just have to-" My sentence is cut short when my twin sister rudely interrupts our moment, and gasps and immediately closes the door. Im almost confused for a second but then i realize the compromising position she found us in, Juliet on her knees and me standing in front of her.

Juliet scrambles to her feet immediately opening the door to follow after Josette. She's so dramatic sometimes it pains me to be her twin, no actually scratch that. I'm in pain having to be her twin all the time, living in her shadow all my life.

Juliet's Pov:

I run after Jo, hoping to tell her it's not what it looks like. She sits at the kitchen island as if she's in shock. "I don't wanna know." She says, finally breaking the silence and staring at me. "Jo, please, it's not what it looks like. Kai was just looking for his dumb shirt and i was trying to help him find it." I tell her, she remains quiet as if she doesn't believe me.

"I swear on my life Jo, I would never hook up with your brother, that's gross." I tell her, it's not gross aftually he's pretty hot- No. "You swear?" She says, looking relieved. "I swear." I tell her again, reassuring her. "Promise me you'll never get together with my brother, please promise me Juliet." Her using my full name kind of scared me.

"I promise you Jo."

Oh what a lie that was.

Sorry for the short chapters guys, i promise to make longer ones in the future, 💗

TAKE ON ME - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now