chapter 2 : A new life

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Is this really how I die ?
There's still so much I haven't done
I'm still so weak
I don't want to die not yet please just one more chance.

I wake up to the sound of hushed voices
Ruby : Where am I ? I managed to mumble
Maid1: oh your awake
she looks at me like she hoped I wouldn't wake up

Ruby : where am I ? I say louder
Maid 2 : Ugh why do I have to work for the useless princess
Ruby pov : princess? what princess ?
I look at one of the strangely dressed women confused but all I get is a disgusted look in return .It's then I realize that everyone in the room looks disgusted ... Everyone one except one green haired woman with light blue eyes who looks at me with pity
Vivian : no need to be rude to the princess . what has she ever done to you ? . She says as she walks over to me and crouch's down beside me
Maid 2 : well she's a disgrace for starters
The other women laugh like it's the funniest thing they had ever heard

Ruby pov : it's not that funny
I thought with a frustrated look
The other women must have seen this as they all began snickering
Vivien : lady ruby is not a disgrace
Ruby : ruby who's ruby and why does that name sound so familiar ?
Maid 2 : yes she is . she doesn't deserve the last name gracia
Ruby pov : gracia as in ruby gracia ?
As I slowly begin to realize what  was going on I was suddenly hit by a wave of of pain as all the memories of the original host of the body  came to me. It was to much to handle

And before I knew it I had passed out.

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