chapter 5 : This strange book !

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Ruby : oh sister do you not love me anymore?!. I understand if you are upset with me but please I really meant no harm.

I say this all while clasping her hand, I then begin crying as I say
Bianca please don't hate me!
I say all this as more maids enter the room and start whispering about the sudden change of their mistress behavior
And how it seemed that the women had swapped places.

Bianca : WA-wa what are you talking about? I-I could never hate you dear sister.
Bianca: ugh what is this sneaky bitch planning

Ruby : oh thank goodness that your not mad at me
I say this while whipping a tear of my face

Ruby: well If we are done then I think it is time for us to part ways goddnight sisrer dearest

Bianca pov : what the fuck?,
why is she acting so sweet and what's with the sister dearest thing?


After she left the room I pulled the book from under my pillow and Began reading it and to my complete amazement it was exactly like the red rose except for the part where ruby was slapped but instead of her just going back to her room and crying she slaps her father back including the parts where ruby was 'nice' to Bianca and how Bianca lied to her father and everything that went down in Bianca's head
"This is great" I thought to myself

Ruby pov : if I have the original book(including the changes) then that will make altering the events events easier
then I can prevent anything bad from happing and can live a peaceful life with Vivian


I didn't get any sleep last night mainly due to the fact that I read the book Three times just to make sure I didn't forget anything,
Ruby : ugh I can't miss anything if I even make one mistake I might end up like the real Ruby. I say this while I shutter at the mere thought of how Ruby died made me sick to my stomach, no matter what I have to live

After having that monologue I decided
That I would have some tea. And at that very moment as if on que that frily little bi- I mean female dog walked into the green house and proceeded to start a conversation with me

Bianca : Good morning dear sister I was looking everywhere for you
Ruby : oh well you've found me so what do you want?
Bianca : oh well you see my dear friend Elizabeth is hosting a tea party and I was wondering if you would want to come with me.

Of course I knew this would happen seeing as I had a book that shows me abit of the future and what people where thinking, it could be useful but it could also be useless. All this being said I also knew why my "Sister Dearest" gave me this invitation it's because she what's to embarrass, me to put it into detail she wants to be passive aggressive while her friends(or should I say dumb followers) out right insult me. Seeing as this was originally something ruby did in the book

I decided to play into Biancas trick and show them why the shouldn't mess with
Ruby gracia

Game on bitch

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