chapter 5

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God damn existence is a pain anyways let's get into this

Chapter 5
Adopted child and First of Many

Last time

Izuku had saved a little girl named Eri. Had sent men to kill Overhaul.

This time


e start a week after Izuku gave the order of the execution of Overhaul. We see Izuku (Time duplicate), Izumi and Toshi sitting on the couch watching the news.

Current place the Yagi family household. Current time 9 pm

Breaking News.

Shie Hassaikai and the Eternals (Izuku's Mafia). Recently had a massive battle. This attack was led by one of the strongest members of the Mafia. Benimaru Shinmon also Known as the flaming emperor. With a group of 200 other members. All of the Shie Hassaikai were casualties. None besides their leader Overhaul were killed brutal. Police say it look as if he was Tortured before being decapitated. Why did this attack happen. It's unknown polic-

The TV suddenly cut out and a broadcast began.

"Hello citizens of japan. If you don't know who I am. I'm the Leader of the Eternals. My name The Blinking Death. You maybe Wondering why my soldiers attack the Shie Hassaikai Yakuza. Well simple reason" Izuku spoke as Eri walked out. "Papa what's going on?" Eri asked rubbing her eye. "It's nothing snowball just go back to sleep" Izuku smiled as he told her. Eri then walked off. "As I was saying. The reason is simple Overhaul was conducting experiments on that little girl you just saw and you know what makes it worse. Pro Hero NightEye knew about these and was letting it happen." Izuku finished speaking as the live stream cut.

We cut to a mysterious figure

"Interesting not even I could hack into the first level of several fire walls." ??? Said to another man. "God damnit we need to catch him. Before he destroys Hero society." ??? Said back

We cut to our actual main character instead of the clone.

We see Izuku walking with Eri in his arms. Bring her to her room. As he reached her room and laid her down. He smiled and kissed her horn "Have a good night's sleep Snowball." Izuku said walking out of the room. 'Luckily I stopped Overhaul before his more serious experiments' Izuku thought as he walked in to his office. 'As of now I'll have an extreme allbi and the Yaoyorozu family is already taking into consideration of my offer.' Izuku thought as he sat in his chair. 'Even if I'm caught "HE" Won't allow me to be imprisoned.' Izuku Continued thinking. As he finished his thought. A Gate rose from the ground.

"The master requests your presence." A maid that walked out of the portal said. "Well might aswell not keep HIM Waiting." Izuku said walking through the portal.

As he walked through the other side of the portal. He saw multiple cherry blossoms and a beautiful sunset. "You've change the scenery, Omni" Izuku spoke. "Yes indeed I did the whole living in the sky thing wasn't cutting it" The named Omni spoke. "What is it that you want?" Izuku asked a bit annoyed. "I wanted to know if you'd change your mind about joining the council." Omni said. "Please as if, The only reason I come here is because you're stronger then I am." Izuku said turning his back and walking to the portal. "Alright then if you ever change your mind. The offer is always up." That was the last thing Izuku heard before he got back to his office. Izuku sat in his chair for a few minutes till he heard a knock. "Come in" Izuku said, as he pushed himself to sit up straight. As the doors opened he saw Momo Yaoyorozu and her family. "Mr and Miss Yaoyorozu. How have you been?" Izuku asked.

Mr Yaoyorozu has slate gray eyes and long black hair, which he keeps up in intricate white headpieces called kenseikan (牽星箝, Pulled Star InsertViz "Pull Star Silence"), which symbolize his nobility as the head of the Yaoyorozu Family, wearing three on top of his head and another two on the right side. Miss Yaoyorozu is a beautiful young looking woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair is usually tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place.

 Her hair is usually tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place

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Mr Yaoyorozu

Miss Yaoyorozu

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Miss Yaoyorozu. (She's 35 in this story)

"We have been great thanking for asking." Mrs Yaoyorozu Responded. "Anyways we're not here for small ta-" Mr Yaoyorozu was cut off by the sight of his wife pulling a slipper out in threatening manner. "Now Now dear let's not rush things." Miss Yaoyorozu Spoke in threatening voice. 'Oh hell no' Izuku and Mr Yaoyorozu thought in sync. Then there was another knock at the door. "Please give me a second." Izuku said. "COME IN" He yelled. "Apologize for interrupting your meeting boss. Put I have a gift and some news." Benimaru said walking in. "What is it Benimaru." Izuku asked. "I'll give you the news first. I caught someone leaking information to the her-" Benimaru was cut off by the glass in the room shattering. "And who exactly was leaking information." Izuku asked with a dark smile. "I-it was Orchimaru' Benimaru stuttered out in fear. "Of course it was that Damn Snake." Izuku's eyes were slowly changing. "And you said you had a gift for me?" Izuku asked. "Yes my lord." Benimaru said throwing out Orchimaru's and Overhaul's heads out. "Great job Benimaru, now if y'all excuse me I have a meeting to continue." Izuku excused himself and walked over to the Yaoyorozu family. "Apologizes about that." Izuku said bowing his head.

"Anyways what did you want to talk about?" Izuku asked. "About your offer." Mr Yaoyorozu said sliding a contract over the table. Izuku stopped time and read the entire thing. Then unfroze time "There only two thing I want removed." Izuku stated. "And what are those?" Mr Yaoyorozu asked. "First one is the marriage age. I want it to be as soon as me and Momo both are 16. And the second thing is the way me and Momo would have to raise our children. I refuse to raise any child as strict as the contract buts it." Izuku said "And I want Momo's opinion on it. There is no way in hell I'm gonna force her into this." Izuku finished. "I-I-Im f-fine with i-it." Momo Stuttered covering her face in embarrassment. "As for the things you said you wanted change or removed. I'll have the new contact printed tomorrow. And if it's fine with you I'd like Momo to stay here for the night. To get to know you better." Mr Yaoyorozu said beginning to get up. "That's perfectly fine." Izuku said as he and Mr Yaoyorozu shook hands. "Follow me Momo." Izuku said walking to the door. Once Momo and her parents finished chatting. Momo ran over to Izuku. As Izuku and her walk they were chatting about little things. Getting to know each other better.

And Thats the end of this chapter

Who is this mysterious figure who's stronger then the protagonist?

Bye bye

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