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Three days later

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Three days later

Steele didn't come home last night. I've been hearing ear-piercing screams that frighten me.

It sounded like someone was being tortured or something bad.

I was curled up in bed when the door opened. I jumped up and my dear husband walked in.

Since the room was dark I couldn't see him.

"You didn't come back last night,"

I wasn't going to say home.

This was a prison, he made sure it was.

This wasn't my home

I'm just visiting, yeah.

"I did," he responded while closing the door.

"No, you didn't-"

"I came home Esmeray. I just didn't come up here,"

"Why?" I asked making him turn around and look at me.

I didn't have a problem

But why?

"Is this a quiz because I didn't study,"

"Can you answer my questions, Steele?" I asked and I thought he would ignore but he answered.

"I had work to do so I stayed downstairs,"

"Somebody kept screaming last week. What-"

"You didn't hear anything," he said

"Yes I did-"

"Esmeray," he growled and I jumped at his tone.

"You didn't hear anything," he said and I nod. He entered the bathroom as I turned the lights on.

His black dress shoes were left at the door and I walked towards it.

Is that blood?

I swapped my finger across the top and look at my finger.


"What are you doing little bird?" his dark tone met my ears and I almost jumped.

I got up and look at him. He raised a brow at me when I didn't respond. He was standing at the bathroom door while leaning on the frame of the door.

Sexy-not impressed Esmeray

This man is killer

"Nothing," I said before moving to the door while looking at him.

"I haven't eaten for twenty hours, I'm starving," I said and he started removing his watch.

"Why is that?"

Third Time's A CharmWhere stories live. Discover now