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I removed my gun as we entered the warehouse

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I removed my gun as we entered the warehouse. Around six officers went upstairs and another six searched the room downstairs.

"Let's check the back," Cooper said and I nod.

We walked out and we separated while searching. After I was done I sighed.

The coast is clear

I felt a rush of fresh cold breeze. I heard a stick break and I turned around.

Scanning the area with my eyes. The smell of men's cologne and marijuana filled my nose.

I know that-

"Little bird?"

I turned around so fast that my neck hurts. Dark eyes stared down at me and the moon gave a huge dark shadow from his body.

He stood tall in front of my heartbeat quickens.

"Ghost?" I said in more of a whisper.


"How- you're dead,"

"Then explain how I'm standing in front of you," he said


He stepped towards me and I froze. Goosebumps ran up from my arm and back.

"You can't kill a ghost, little bird," he taunts

"But a cop-"

"Oh please, baby. I'm Ghost, you really think a fucking cop could kill me?" he asked

I blinked as I stared at the man in front of me. He looked over my face before speaking.

"I faked my death with the help of those bad cops and changed my name. So you're not the only one who needed to go ghost for a while," he taunts with a devilish smirk.

I gulped

He moved closed and took my gun. I surrendered.

You can't fight a ghost.

"I like your costume," he said while looking at my uniform.

"Still the same asshole from before," I said before I could stop myself.

He chuckled lightly.

"Officer Lopez, is it clear?" Cooper asked.

Steele looks at me a tilt his head waiting for my answer.

"Yes, give me a second I'm peeing!" I yelled back

"That your little boyfriend?"

I reached out for my gun and he pulls it back while grabbing my waist.

"I'm gonna kill him," he said


He placed my gun in my holster and turned me around. Pulling me into his chest. "Fuck I miss you," he groaned

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