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 I checked under the bed, inside her closet and bathroom

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I checked under the bed, inside her closet and bathroom.

"There's no monster Hailey," I said while walking into her room.


"Hey, remember what I said?" I asked

"Uncle Steele is the only monster in the house," she says and I nod,

"That's right," I said before passing her stuffed toy back.

"Maybe I shouldn't have watched that scary movie," she said while hugging the teddy bear

I'm gonna murder Kade for letting her watch that scary movie.

"I'm sorry for waking you," she said and I tilt my head.

"Hey, you didn't okay, and my favorite niece is free to wake me up anytime," I said

"I'm your only niece,"

"You are?" I asked and she nods with a smile.

"You want some chocolate milk," I asked and she nods with a bigger smile.

I took her small hand into mine and we both moved in the direction of the kitchen. I placed Hailey's small body up on the counter and she sat comfortably.

I walked over to the fridge and opened it.

After pouring her a glass of chocolate milk, I gave her chocolate cookies.

"Uncle Steele?"


"Is Daddy coming home tomorrow?" she asked and I answered "Yeah," she nods before taking a sip from her glass.

I grabbed a mug and poured some whiskey inside as she was busy eating.

After she was done, I followed her back to her room. "How about we leave the lights on tonight?"

"I like that idea," she said and I smiled

I tucked her in and she snuggled the stuffed toy into her small body.

She's attached to the ugly thing.

"Uncle can you read me a story?" she asked and I look over at her bookshelf.

"What book would you like me to read?"

She hums as she stared at the books.

"Gangsta granny," she smiles.

"I love that one," I said before grabbing book.

Hailey loves books and I love reading them to her.

She scoots over and I sat down. The moment she fell asleep, I got up and placed the book down.

I exit her room and went back to my room. I opened the door and Esmeray was sitting on the bed.

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