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pureblooded family and not being born a boy had already set Cassiopeia Malfoy up for failure.

Her birth had put a strain on the relationship between her parents, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, that not even the birth of her dear, perfect, little brother could mend.

While Draco got showered in attention from their parents and praised for being a boy able to continue the Malfoy name, Cassie spent most of her childhood alongside her governess within the cold, lifeless, walls of Malfoy Manor.

But, as the siblings got older, and Lucius's favor of Draco grew, Narcissa's kindness had extended from the sole attention of her brother to her as well. The bond between mother and daughter that Cassie had always longed for was hers at last.

However, Cassiopeia knew that her brother would always be the family's perfect child, no matter how lovely she became or how politely she behaved, her efforts would always be in vain.

If Cassiopeia's memory would serve her right, she'd say the only time her father had spoken more than a sentence to her was when she had finally received her letter to Hogwarts.

He had said, "Cassiopeia, it is an honor that you have been chosen to be a part of this school. Serve your family right and make sure you are housed in Slytherin just as your mother and I, and your ancestors before us. Family pride is on the line, my dear."

Her eleven-year-old self had nodded shakily as she spoke clearly, "Yes, Father."


The first time Cassiopeia Malfoy had laid her eyes on Fred Weasley was at Platform nine and three-quarters.

Narcissa had been brushing off Cassie's coat, telling her an abundance of things she'd have to remember when getting on the train and getting to the school itself. Cassie nodded along, her blonde curls rapidly bobbing with every nod.

A sea of red hair had caught Cassie's eyes as her attention shifted from her mother before her to the rambunctious family of gingers. A set of identical boys trailing behind the rest, giggling with one another, had made Cassie's heart clench, she and her brother had no such relationship, they barely spoke to one another.

One of the boys had found Cassie's wandering eyes, he smiled and stuck out his tongue, presumably trying to rid the small girl of her omnipresent frown. It had worked, eliciting a small laugh from the girl which she had hidden behind her hand as soon as the sound escaped her mouth. The boy grinned in return before turning his attention back to his twin.

"Mother, who are they?" Cassie asked, her gaze returning to her mother before nodding her head in the direction of the Weasley clan.

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