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ᶜᵃˢˢⁱᵉ'ˢ ᵖᵒᵛ

I STARED SOLEMNLY AT MY REFLECTION IN the mirror. I looked how I was supposed to, and yet, I did not feel like myself. I could not breathe. These moments would come in waves. I closed my eyes and counted backward from ten.

I am fine. A mantra I repeated in my head.

The manor was eerily silent.

ah, scratch that. father was pacing. His footsteps were blaringly loud.

We were supposed to be leaving for Platform nine and three-quarters soon, but the house was so eerily silent, aside from fathers pacing in his study, that I felt I must've had the wrong day.

My assumption was proven incorrect when I heard knocking against my door.

"We'll be leaving in a moment, dearest. Bring your trunks down." It was my mothers voice who I heard from the other side of the door. I got up from my vanity and grabbed my trunks in both hands, tucking my wand behind my ear.

When I arrived downstairs, I placed my trunks by Draco's. There wasn't a soul in sight. I ventured into the dining room. The staff were clearing the table. Two places were set. Assumably, they must've been for Draco and Mother.

She didn't even bother to ask if I wanted breakfast, I sighed, disappointment flooding me.

"Oh, Mademoiselle, would you like anything to eat?" One of the maids asked, I shook my head 'no'.

"It's fine, I wasn't hungry anyway," I gave the maid a tight lipped smile, she gave one back and returned to gathering the dishes. I returned to the foyer and waited patiently, playing with the ring on my finger which held the Malfoy Family crest. what a joke, I scoffed at the silver accessory.

While the relationship I held with my parents was strained, I continued to hope that at least my mother liked me. As she showed her affections many times, and yet, here she was, once again forgetting the existence of her first born child and only daughter.

It was routine, really. I'd stay in my room assuming the rest of my family to be asleep, then I'd get restless and head into the kitchen to see if I could nick myself something to eat from there, but I'd then see the whole family or just Draco and Mother eating breakfast. Mother would tell me to sit down with a gracious smile, a maid would set my portion down in front of me, father would tell me I shouldn't sleep in so late, Draco would call me lazy. Every time I'd apologize and say I assumed no one was awake.

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