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ᶜᵃˢˢⁱᵉ'ˢ ᵖᵒᵛ

AS I CONTINUED TO WATCH THE TREES roll by and occasionally made small talk with Graham as Cassius slept, the lights suddenly started to flicker and the train lurched to a stop. The air began to feel colder. A chill worked its way up my spine and littered my skin with goosebumps, making its way up to my teeth, which began chattering against one another.

"What in Salazar's name is going on?" Cassius grumbled, begrudgingly being jostled awake from his nap due to the abrupt stop.

"Oi why's it so fuckin' cold all of a sudden," Graham hissed, his teeth chattering slightly, matching my own tremor.

"mhm, I was just about to say the same thing, obviously less vulgar, but still." I hummed in agreement, nodding and wrapping my arms around myself for warmth.

Cassius let out a breath of air and the three of us watched as it slowly dissipated.

September had only just begun, why on earth was it so cold?

"Oi, look," Graham said pointing toward the window which had become frostbitten.

"I think there's something moving out there," Cassius mumbled, squinting his eyes slightly as he examined the outside of the train.

Behind the frosted windows, I could vaguely make out dark, ghostly shapes that shifted and swirled in the dark and rain. The three of us exchanged glances and the compartment filled with an eerie sense of foreboding. I felt a knot tighten in my stomach, a sensation that went beyond my typical discomfort and anxiety.

As we stared out the window, the train jostled once more, prying our attention from the window.

"Do you think someone's boarding?" Cassius muttered, fear evident in his voice.

"Who in Salazar's name would be getting on the train here of all places, use that bloody head of yours, Cassius." Graham rolled his eyes at the blonde.

I felt a sudden urge to investigate, to understand the source of this bitter cold. Sliding the compartment door open slightly, I peered into the dimly lit corridor. My eyes widened as the truth unfolded.

"Holy shit, Cassius was right, something did board. There are Dementors on board," I muttered, my breath catching in my throat.

The compartment filled with an otherworldly chill as I glimpsed at the spectral figures gliding along the train. Their hooded cloaks billowed, and a sense of despair clung to them like a dark shroud. The air thickened with an indescribable darkness that seeped into every crevice. Even just a glance at them and I had felt overcome by an overwhelming sense of grief and despair that reminded me of my childhood.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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