Marcy Wu: Jealousy

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Requested By: SilverCloud1000


Marcy hasn't been hanging out with me as much as we usually do. In fact, she's been hanging out with Anne a lot.

I mean, I get that they're best friends, but I am too! It's just not fair.

I'm walking in the woods surrounding Wartwood, trying to find Marcy to ask her if we could hang out.

I walk through some trees and see a clearing, which holds none other than Marcy and Anne.

When I see them, my shoulders slump in disappointment. I turn around and walk away, back to Wartwood.

*Small Timeskip*

I'm sitting in the Fwagon, reading a book when I hear the door open and close. I look up from the story and spot Marcy standing in front of me.

"Um, hi." I said, before looking back at my book.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" She asks me. I nod in response, not looking up from my book.

I hear a soft sigh, before my book is taken away from me.

"Wha- Mar-mar, what was that for?!" I exclaimed. She looks at me with an unusual nervousness in her eyes.

"We need to talk." She says softly, some red appearing on her face.

I nod firmly, "Yeah, we do." I say in a slightly angry voice that startles the noirette in front of me.

I speak again, "We need to talk about you never making time for me, and always hanging out with idiotic, one-shoed Anne!"

I hear a soft "Rude." Come from outside the Fwagon, but I ignore it.

Marcy is now smirking, "What?"

I laugh dryly, " 'What', is that all you have to say?"

Marcy shakes her head, "No, I meant, could you repeat what you said."

It sounded more like a statement then a question, so I repeated what I'd said earlier.

Marcy's smirk remained, "Y/n, are- are you jealous?"

I felt my cheeks heat up at that, "What?! No!" I said quickly.

"I think you're lying." Marcy says in a flirtatious tone.

I open my mouth to try to say something, but quickly close it and look away.

I hear Marcy laugh sweetly and I look back at her. She speaks, "You wanna know why I've been hanging out with Anne for the past couple weeks?"

I nod and she continues, "It's because, well, she was helping me prepare my confession... for you."

I blush even harder and speak, "R-really?" She smiles and nods.

"I've liked- no, loved you for a while now and didn't know how to confess my feelings for you. So, I told Anne about it and she offered to help me." She said.

She takes a deep breath before continuing, "So, with that being said, will you be my lover?"

Instead of answering, I stand up and kiss her. Her lips are soft against mine, and I want to stay there forever, but had to pull away because of the human need to breathe oxygen.

I smile, "Does that answer your question?" She nods and hugs me.

Suddenly, I hear the door open, and I turn to see Anne yelling,

"Took you long enough!"

I laughed and kissed Marcy again.


I hope that was good enough.

You know, I find it kinda funny that the first two people I write oneshots about are the two people I kin.

Anygays, bye!

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