Marcy Wu: Sacrifice And Rescue

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Requested by: Arlo2659

( D/n = Dark Name)

Nobody's POV

Y/n gets thrown across the room by one of the frobots, hitting a wall.

Sasha cuts it in half, and rushes over to where the (h/c)-ette lays.

The blonde tries to ask if Y/n is okay, but they aren't paying attention to her.

They spot Marcy fumbling with the music box, and Andrias not far behind her.

Y/n gets up quickly, grabbing their head, and beginning to run over to where Marcy is standing.

Andrias is about to thrust his sword forward into Marcy, when Y/n pushes the noirette out of the way.

"Marcy, look ou-" They say, stopping mid-sentence.

Their eyes widen and they look down, spotting a the flaming tip of Andrias' sword penetrating their body.

"Y/N!" Marcy yells out, concerned.

Y/n blinks slowly, "Well, that's not ideal..."

They fall to the ground and the portal that contained Anne and the Plantars closed, blinding everyone for a moment.

Sasha and Grime rush over to Marcy and grab her by the arm, dragging her away, and jumping out of the window, due to Grime's orders.

Andrias looks down at the unconscious teenager in front of him, and sighs.

"Good enough. But, she managed to open the portal... at least I still have the box." He says, turning to Lady Olivia and Yunan trying to sneak away.

"So, what about you two? Are you with me?" He asks.

"We're with you!"

"Definitely with you!"

Lady Olivia and Yunan say in unison.

"Good. Get them to a rejuvenation tank and make it snappy. They're fading fast." He orders, and the two newts rush off to fulfill his orders, Y/n in their hands.


A door opens, revealing the Plantars, Grime, Olivia, Yunan, Anne, Sasha, and Marcy.

"I don't see Y/n." Marcy says nervously.

Anne and Sasha rush forward, seeing the music box on a stand in the middle of the dark room, while Marcy trails behind them slowly.

"I can't believe it, it's over, we've won." Anne says, reaching forward to grab the box.

As she attempts to pick up the box, her hands go right through it, the box revealing itself to be a hologram.

Suddenly, multiple wires appear, wrapping themselves around the trio, trapping them, as well as the others by the door.

The room brightens, revealing a familiar looking person, but with a weird looking helmet on, holding the music box.

"Nice of you to fall for our trap." A distorted voice, that sounds slightly like Y/n's says.

"Y/n? What are you wearing? What's going on?" Anne asks frantically.

"Oh, we're not Y/n, not anymore." They say, letting the wires take the music box away from them.

They start walking towards the trio, "We are a collection of Amphibia's greatest minds uploaded into a unified consciousness."

Anne starts to get angry, and leans forward, "What, have you done, with Y/n?!"

The person possessing Y/n smiles, "They're up here- "They point to their head, "-with us. It's how we recognized your little ruse. War of the Warlocks, their little Marcy's favorite movie, very cute."

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