Marcy Wu: Popular Love

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Requested by: SilverCloud1000 (I made some alterations to your request, I hope that's okay, and if it isn't I apologize in advance.)

Bullied! Marcy x Popular! Reader


I was standing with my friends during lunch, them talking about drama and boys. I was texting my friend who moved away last summer while half-listening to them.

Their chatting ceased all of a sudden and I looked up from my phone, texting a quick goodbye to my friend soon after.

My friends started giggling and whispering to each other when I noticed who had arrived.

The one and only Marcy Wu.

She'd moved here not too long ago, arriving in the middle of the second semester. She'd created quite a reputation for herself when in chemistry, she had accidentally spilled some type of chemical onto one of my friend's shirts, burning right through it.

My friend, who's name is Cassandra, had created dozens of rumors about her in the timespan of about a week, not too surprising, considering she's the second most popular girl in our grade.

After the rumors had been spread, nobody wanted to be Marcy's friend, because of course, everybody trusted Cassandra.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when another one of my friends, Arianna, said, "Oh look, it's the depressed Marcy! Oh so sad!"

The noirette in front of us looked down at her feet in embarrassment.

I roll my eyes and whap Arianna on the back of her head, "Tch, haven't you seen she's been through some serious shit? Look at her." I gesture to the girl in front of us.

"So leave her alone, got it?" I finish. Arianna rolls her eyes, and nods, walking away with our friends.

I turn to walk a different direction, but stop to look back at Marcy. Her head is up and she's looking at me in happiness, her face tinted red.

I hum and turn back around, continuing on my way.


I'm walking to the courtyard, and when I arrive, I hear laughing coming from a corner.

I raise an eyebrow, and I walk over to investigate.

When I see what is causing the noises, my eyes narrow and I have a look of fury on my face.

The sight I see is of Arianna and her gang, along with almost all of my friends, either laughing or kicking Marcy.

I stalk over to the group and knock out Arianna's goons one by one, until she's the only one standing.

I place my hand on her shoulder and squeeze it, hard. She winces and looks back to see me, a glint of fear appearing in her eyes.

"The fuck are you doing? Did you not hear what I said earlier, or was your idiocy blocking out the sound of my voice?" I chuckle.

"OR, did you completely disobey my direct orders, and go after Marcy anyways?" I ask her, in a furious tone.

Arianna trembles, "Y-Y/n, we were o-only joking around! I promise!"

I roll my eyes, "Very likely." I say before grabbing her head and bring my knee up, smashing her skull into it, effectively knocking her out.

I drop her and turn to Marcy, combing my hair back with my fingers before reaching my hand down to her and saying, "You okay, Wu?"

The noirette blushed harshly and opened her mouth, only to close it and nod, taking my hand soon after.

I pull her up onto her feet, but notice quickly that her legs are wobbly.

I sigh and grab the backsides of her knees, and her back, lifting her into my arms, bridal style, so I can carry her.

"W-what are you doing!?" She asks me, still blushing furiously.

"Taking you to the nurses office, obvi." I respond, glancing at her for a moment.

She nods, and leans into my chest for more security in my arms. My face heats up slightly, but I brush it off almost immediately.


We reach the nurses office, and I adjust Marcy's position so that I'm holding her with one arm, her head over my shoulder, so I can open the door.

Once I open the door, the nurse notices us come in and she spots Marcy in my arms.

"Oh dear, what happened?" She asks us.

I glance at Marcy, silently asking if she wants me or her to explain. She gives me a look saying she wants me too.

I look back at the nurse, "She was being physically bullied. She has a few injuries." I state bluntly.

The nurse nods, "Here, set her on this bed." I nod and gently place Marcy onto the cot. I take a seat next to her and wait for the nurse to come back.

She comes back into the room with a few bandages and an ice pack.

She hands me one of the bandage rolls, because I had held my hand out for one so I could help.

"Where does it hurt?" I ask her.

She rolls up her hoodie sleeve and I discover multiple bruises and cuts, some shallow, some deep.

My eyes narrow when I see this, but I take a deep breath and focus on bandaging her arm up.

After I'm finished, I ask, "Where else?"

At this, her face flushes and she looks away.

"Huh? What is it? Can't you tell me where?" I ask, confused.

Her shaky hand points to her stomach.

I nod and start to reach towards the bottom of her hoodie. She jerks back suddenly.

I laugh softly, "Relax, it's not like I'm gonna take your shirt off entirely."

I look around, noticing the nurse wasn't in the room anymore, she'd left after giving me the bandages.

I smirk and add on, "Unless you're into that~"

Marcy covers her face, and I can practically see the steam coming off of it.

I chuckle and reach for her hoodie, pulling it up enough to see the damage that had been done.

I hum to myself and start wrapping her stomach in the bandage.

After I'm done, I look at Marcy, then grab the ice pack that had been left behind by the nurse.

I tap the noirette's shoulder, getting her to pry her hands off of her face.

I hand her the ice pack, and she places it on her stomach, the place where I assume it hurts the most.

I smile and lean over to kiss Marcy's forehead, before standing up and walking towards the door.

I grin and turn back around, "Try not to get yourself injured anymore, okay darlin'?"

Marcy nods and looks away, face even more flushed than before.

My grin stays in place as I walk out of the nurses office.

Heh, I'm gonna have to get to know her better, she's quite cute. I think to myself as I wander the halls.


I hope you didn't mind my alterations to your request SilverCloud1000.

But I hope it was good nonetheless!

Anygays, have a good rest of your day/night, bye!

TOH/Amphibia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now