• chapter two •

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I took a shower and quickly got dressed. If I took any longer Justin would've been pissed. I brushed long brown hair tying it up in a loose pony tail.

The heard the door slam behind me as I quickly turned around to see Justin.
"What's taking you so long". He said frustrated.

I rolled my eyes pushing past him walking down the staircase. He followed and sat next to me on our couch.

"What do you want"? I asked brushing through my wet scalp with my fingers.
"Do you want to go to a party with me tomorrow"? He asking smirking.

My eyes widened as I scooched closer to him. "Really, like can I"? I said suddenly excited. He nodded.

"There will be a lot of people there. So like, dress nicely". He said chuckling a bit. I smiled widely as I jumped on top of him wrapping my arms around him tightly.

He hugged me back and laughed a little. I pulled away and kissed his cheek. "You've never been this happy. Ever". Justin said taking my hand in his.

"I know". I said laughing. He rubbed my back lightly before standing up to walk away.

"Can't wait". He said to himself then waking into the kitchen. I couldn't either.

(2 hours later)

I decided I would go to the store and maybe buy myself new makeup. I pulled up to the store getting out and walking in.

I grabbed myself new red lipstick, new eye shadows, and blush. I took all my items to the nearest register standing in line.

I started glancing at all the magazines when I saw it. 'Maria Yeater admits to conceiving Justin Biebers baby'. I thought I may have collapsed in line. I quickly grabbed a issue of the magazine checking out.

I ran to my car opening it quickly reading the paragraph on it. My mouth dropped when I saw the date.


We were married in 2012 I thought. Slamming the paper book shut. I pulled out of the parking lot all the way home thinking.

Justin, you better hope this is a lie.

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