The Drummer! -Part 3

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Childe was happy. He had admired Scaramouche for years when he started school with him. He always thought he was beautiful. A majestic creature. He had always had a crush on Scaramouche, but it had faded over time. He found the band thanks to a post Kazuha made on twitter.


It was finally their first concert with their new drummer. They loaded their equipment into their van and headed to the small place they booked to play at.

"Dudes im nervous.." Childe told the four boys.
"Youll be fine." Scaramouche snapped at him. "Just trust me focus on your music.

The curtains opened and Childe began to bang his drums to start the song, decrecendoing down to a quieter level. They all played and Scara and Kazuha walked arount the stage together.
Childe watched Scaramouche, admiring him with a puppyish look on his face, not daring to mess up, scared if the wrath due if he did.


Childe high fived the shorter boys, but Scaramouche declined. The boys went out to eat and celebrate. Scaramouche ended up going home.

Scara POV:

'What the fuck is wrong with me.' i think to myself as i get dressed into grey sweats and a black tanktop. My own thoughts cloud my mind. I tear up slightly. I sit on my chair infront of my desk right beside the window. I look outside and i see my band members coming up to my house. I ignore it until i hear knocking on my door and my doorbell ringing. I sigh, getting up and going downstairs. I reach the door and hesitate to open it, my eyes sort of puffy. I finally open the door and my friends are standing there.

"What do you dipshits want?" I ask them.

"Uh well, we kinda noticed you werent feeling too well after the concert.. Are you alright?" Kazuha replies.

I slam the door, my eyes welling with tears. 'what the fuck is wrong with me.'

A few minutes later, my back door opens and my friends come inside.

"Scaramouche.. are you alright friend..?" Kazuha asks, knowing i would only talk to him. He has been my best friend for years after all.

I grab his hand and take him to my room.
"I think im on my period Kazuha.."

You see, im transgender. Female to male. Kazuha is the only one that knows and has never told anyone.

Kazuha hugs me
"Its gonna be okay Scara.. i promise" Kazuha tells me, making an attempt to comfort me. I cry into him, everything hurts. There was only one thing i had never told him (despite me telling him everything) the stress that was weighing me down and making me depressed.

I sob into Kazuha, feeling slightly better. Kazuha gets me Advil, a heating pad, and my favorite drink. Kazuha is a true angel and my good friend, even if im not the nicest to him.


Kazuha told all of the band members that Scaramouche got quite sick, not daring to tell his secret. All the boys left and Scaramouche was all alone. He eventually fell asleep.

2 updates in one day you lucky fucks.

Word count- 469 words!

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