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"You must be new here," the barista said, "I've never seen you two here before."

Beomgyu nodded happily, and Soobin managed a small grin. 

I don't exactly have enough money to eat here, Soobin thought. 

"We're here to meet someone," Soobin said. 

The barista raised an eyebrow and then gestured to the back of the cafe. "A woman is sitting in the corner," he said. "She's been here all morning."

Soobin thanked him with a bow, and they made their way to the corner booth. Beomgyu stuck at his heel the whole way. When he arrived, he saw the woman—his mother—he had been looking for. Despite the cheery grin she wore, he couldn't ignore her deep, sunken eyes and dark circles. 

"Who is this?" she spoke, gesturing towards Beomgyu. The blonde smiled and sat down, 

"Beomgyu, eomma."

"Oh well, nice to meet you. I'm Soobin's mother," She extended her hand, and Beomgyu shook it. 

"Likewise," he bowed. 

He slid into his seat, Soobin getting in next to him. 

"How are you, eomma?" 

Soobin's mum grinned again and sighed, "Oh, you know, so-so."


Soobin couldn't contain his curiosity, the question on his lips, the urge to ask it undying as he tried not to jump to conclusions. "What's up?" he raised an eyebrow, watching her sip away at her cup of tea.

"Well," she paused, Soobin sucked in a short breath in anticipation. But before she could say anymore, a waitress approached holding a tray of food and drinks. 

"Iced americano and hot chocolate?"

Soobin flashed her a cheery grin, and Beomgyu's eyes lit up. He licked his lips eagerly and took the hot cocoa with two hands. "Thank you," he said. Soobin thanked her as well, sipping his drink, hissing as the cold, bitter liquid attacked his sensitive front teeth. He glanced at his mother, waiting for her to finish her sentence, but she remained quiet, watching the boys carefully. 

The waitress picked up a plate from the tray, "And a brownie with whipped cream?"

Beomgyu nodded. Just as she reached out to place the dish on the table, her foot slipped, and everything else she held went crashing onto the floor. The shattering sound reverberated around the cafe, customers' heads turned and eyes widened, shocked.

Immediately, she fell to her knees and scrambled to pick up the broken pieces. 

"I'm so sorry," she apologized over and over again. 

Those at their booth sat stunned until it clicked in Soobin, and he got out of his seat to assist. 

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" he said as he helped clean up the mess.

The waitress nodded gratefully, "I'm sorry, oh gosh." Her face flushed red, and her eyes glazed over from embarrassment and shame, "It's okay, sir. I'll fix this." 

The blonde continued otherwise. Beomgyu, wanting to help, also got down next to Soobin, crouching as he collected shards of crockery and put them onto the tray. Soobin's eyes widened, mouth ajar as he stared at Beomgyu in disbelief and worry. He had forgotten about the fragile boy and was concerned about his skin. "Beom-" he whispered through pursed lips, hoping to catch the younger's attention without that of the waitresses.

Beomgyu, oblivious, picked up two shards that appeared to fit together like pieces of a puzzle. He pushed the together, seeing the fine line between, then disappear. Except as he went to put them with the rest, they didn't pull apart. A hushed what fell from his lips, clueless and shocked.

 "Ow," Beomgyu bit his lip, the shard had pinched his thumb, drawing a bead of crimson. Beomgyu felt something crack, his skin breaking at the sudden spike of pain. He cupped the left side of his face at lightning speed.

Soobin noticed. "Sit back up," he said, concerned. 

Beomgyu shook his head from side to side. 

"Just do it," an inkling of irritation sprouted in Soobin's voice. 

The dark-haired frowned, but obeyed, getting back into his seat. He held his face till he felt the crack retreat. He grabbed a serviette and wiped the blood from his thumb, placing pressure on the tiny wound. He hated how the smallest wounds always seemed to have a never-ending blood flow.

"Are you okay?" Soobin's mother asked, seeing the latter dressing his cut. Beomgyu nodded mouth in a thin smile.

Once the larger shards were collected, the tray was placed on the table, in front of Beomgyu, as the waitress left and returned quickly with a brush and shovel to sweep up the finer bits and dust.

He cautiously reached for it, snatching another two pieces. Pressing them together, watching the slit disappear, and not being able to pull them apart. His mouth fell open for a second time. He did it again and again. Taking pieces and putting them back together. He stole a glance at Soobin's mother, who was too engulfed in the commotion to notice what he had done.

When Beomgyu looked back up, the mess was gone, and so was the waitress. Soobin explained she'd gone to get them another brownie.

"I'm sorry about that," she said timidly when she returned. 

Soobin's mother assured her it was fine, and she was glad no one was hurt, winking at Beomgyu, who adorned an unimpressed impression, waving his injured thumb in the air. 

"But-" Soobin shoved it away casually.

Once his mother had stopped chatting, she turned back to the two males looking sympathetic. 

"Now, where was I?" 

It took her a few seconds to catch up. 

"Right, I've met a man, Soobin. I'm divorcing Heeteuk."

Even if it wasn't actually an unexpected bombshell, the way she dropped it made Soobin stifle a choke. Beomgyu didn't even understand what was happening, so he side-eyed the older.

Soobin's mother hadn't ever actually divorced his father despite being separated for 5+ years, on paper and in writing, they were still legally married. Soobin didn't bother to attempt looking surprised, he knew they were never in love and were never going to be. 

"That's nice, eomma," he spoke nonchalantly, indifferent to his mother's decision.

"You're not angry?"


"Oh. That's good then," she let out a breath of relief and looked her son in the eye. "I want you to meet him and his family." 

Soobin nodded slowly, sipping his coffee, his blonde locks catching on the rim of the glass. Beomgyu had evidently forgotten about his drink as he suddenly grabbed the mug and began gulping down the sweet now stone-cold cocoa.

"He has two sons, and they invited us for dinner the day after tomorrow. His name is Kang Euntae, and his sons are Taehyun and,


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