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"I said there are face cloths in the bottom drawer of the vanity, not under the sink," Soobin's voice carried a hint of frustration as he called out to Beomgyu, who was noisily searching through the bathroom cabinets.

Beomgyu's irritated response echoed back, "I still can't find them!" He frowned at his reflection in the mirror, frustration evident in his furrowed brows. The sound of approaching footsteps alerted him to Soobin's presence.

"You got clothes on?" Soobin inquired cautiously, his hand resting on the door handle.

Caught off guard, Beomgyu hesitated for a moment, realizing he had yet to retrieve a shirt and stood there in just pants and a tank top. "Yes," he replied, his voice masking his unease.

Soobin entered the room, heading straight for the vanity, where he forcefully pulled open the bottom drawer. His disappointment was palpable when he found no face cloths. "Oh," he said quietly. "They must all be in the wash or hanging up to dry."

Beomgyu sighed audibly, watching Soobin stand up with a sigh of resignation. "Sorry," he mumbled, feeling a pang of guilt for not being able to help.

Soobin's eyes then travelled up to Beomgyu's face and down to his exposed arms and collar. Scars crisscrossed his skin, snaking out from beneath the tank top like a roadmap of pain and suffering.

"What?" Beomgyu asked, noticing the sudden look of sympathy and pity on Soobin's face. Soobin quickly averted his gaze, focusing on the tiled floor instead. His voice came out softly, laden with concern, "Are... do... do you have any open wounds, Beomgyu?"

It dawned on Beomgyu what Soobin was thinking, and he instinctively crossed his arms, shielding his damaged body. "No," he replied, his voice trembling slightly.

The look on his face betrayed his words. His eyes welled up with shame and pain, and his voice quivered, vulnerable and exposed.

"Alright then," Soobin eventually spoke, his tone gentle as he recognized Beomgyu's reluctance to open up. "Just quickly get dressed, eomma will be waiting for us."


The house loomed tall over the blonde male, he hadn't been back here for almost 6 years. His father's house was much larger than his petty apartment, but Soobin would always prefer his own home over whatever his father had claimed his mansion to be. It certainly was not a home, let alone a family home.

He reached out a rapped on the large double doors, with a reluctant and uneasy feeling swirling in his chest. Why did it have to be Songmin's dad and why did they have to meet here?

Footsteps rushed up to the door, so taking a step back Soobin braced himself to meet his mother. But, it was a male face that answered, checking first before welcoming the pair with open arms.

"You must be Soobin," he exclaimed, wanting to hug the said boy. Soobin, a bit startled, stepped back again. The man, presumably his mother's new fiance, opted to shake his hand instead.

Soobin accepted the gesture with an awkward smile, "Yep, nice to meet you."

The man grinned widely. "Likewise, I'm Euntae, and this is..." he gestured to Beomgyu.

"Oh, I'm Beomgyu," the boy chirped, shaking Euntae's hand enthusiastically.

"Ah, Beomgyu and Soobin, Songmin and Hyejin told me about you," he said absent-mindedly.

𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 • SKIN ᝰ.ᐟ 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐆𝐘𝐔Where stories live. Discover now