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Not much could be said about Songmin's abrupt appearance, other than it ruined Soobin's mood entirely. Beomgyu could sense that, and he fell quiet, shrinking away from the older.

Soobin had been in a great mood all morning, with Beomgyu hanging around. Soobin hadn't seen Songmin in months, but clearly the other man hadn't forgotten him.

He had strolled into the store with an air of confidence, a smug smile on his lips. He greeted Soobin with the same mocking tone he used to use every day, a reminder of just how toxic their relationship had been.

Soobin could feel his mood deflate instantly when he saw that asshole step in. He had hoped he could start over and forget about their past, but it seemed Songmin had other plans.

The rest of the shift was uncomfortable.

Beomgyu kept glancing at Soobin, a frown on his face, trying to figure out what all the discomfort was about. Soobin, sensing the awkwardness, tried to rush through the shift as quickly as possible.

He was relieved when it finally ended, and he could return to the safety of his apartment.

His disheartened mood lingered as much as he wanted to get his mind off the subject. Soobin was determined not to let Songmin ruin his evening with Beomgyu, but it seemed like a battle he was doomed to lose.

One thing was sure, Songmin would continue to haunt him until he gave in.


Soobin kicked off his shoes, before bending down to help Beomgyu take his off. Beomgyu smiled down at him, his eyes twinkling with gratitude. Soobin smiled back, before standing back up and going into the kitchen to prepare some dinner. Beomgyu followed after him without a word.

He watched as Soobin cut up some vegetables, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. He remembered how scared and uncertain he was of the latter, when in fact Soobin was no threat. Rather, he had been patient and kind and helped him immensely.

"Soob-hyung?" he muttered, twiddling his thumbs. 

"Eh," Soobin looked up from the chopping board, he was cutting chicken on. 

"Is Songmin a bad guy?"

At this, the boy put down the knife and turned towards Beomgyu. "Kind of, but he won't hurt you," he replied with an assertive tone.

Beomgyu didn't look convinced, "Did he hurt you?" 

Soobin thought for a second, being cautious with how he would answer. He didn't want to alarm the latter. He waited a moment before placing a hand over his chest, rubbing right where his heart would be. 

"Yeah, right here."

Though Beomgyu had no clue what happened, he felt a surge of anger. He wanted to protect Soobin, and that Songmin had hurt his friend. Soobin saw the determination in the younger's eyes, and he reached out to place a hand on Beomgyu's shoulder. 

"It's fine, Beom," he smiled faintly, "just forget about him. He's an asshole."

Beomgyu cocked his head to the side, "An asshole? What's an asshole?

Soobin chuckled and brushed his question off. He returned to his dinner prep. As it cooked, the two of them talked and laughed. Soobin smiled as he watched Beomgyu talk animatedly about how fun it had been working at the store with him.

He knew it really was a bore, but he appreciated how the boy was trying to cheer him up.


"I'm gonna have a shower, Beom," Soobin said, placing his dirty plate in the sink, "do you think you can manage the dishes?"

"Yep, I remember everything you said," Beomgyu replied, thrilled the latter had let him do the cleaning. As soon as Soobin left the room, the dark-haired boy rushed into the kitchen and filled the sink with bubbly water.

Soobin could hear him crashing around in the kitchen from the shower, almost immediately regretting his decision. Beomgyu scrubbed and washed, and before he knew it, the dishes were sparkling clean. After, he dried them and put them away neatly in the cupboard.

Beomgyu stood back and inspected his handiwork with a proud smile. He blew a strand of black hair away from his face and laughed. He went to the bathroom and knocked loudly on the door.

"Soob, I'm done!" he yelled. 

"Right Beom, I'll get dressed. Go get ready for bed. Grab something to wear from my bottom drawer," Soobin replied from inside. He ran a towel through his blonde hair, before placing it around his neck and starting his skin care.

Beomgyu grinned happily and went to the loft to get ready for bed. He was exhausted, and he wanted to get to bed quickly. He found a shirt and a pair of shorts, just as Soobin had told him, and climbed under the blankets. His eyes were drawn to the green stars on the ceiling, just like Soobin's were. Beomgyu wondered what they were briefly as his thoughts drifted.

Moments later, Soobin came up the stairs. He was dressed in pajamas and had a towel around his neck. His blonde hair was still wet from his shower.

"Warm enough, Beom?" Soobin asked, throwing the towel on the ground and joining him under the covers. 

Beomgyu nodded, snuggling closer to the latter, feeling content and safe in his presence. Soobin smiled back at him, before his gaze drifted to the book in his hand.

Beomgyu watched as his face lit up with curiosity as he flipped through the pages. He shifted, laying his head on Soobin's shoulder, and occasionally read a page of the book while lapsing into a deep sleep. After a few moments, the blonde looked back at Beomgyu, who was fast asleep, and gently laid him down, adjusted the blankets, and turned out the light.

a/n: yo finally updated 🙌 hope this was good. I wrote it while listening to slowed ateez songs. Istg that shit cuts right to the soul. ANYWAYS the outlaw on Friday!! I'm so excited~

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 luv yall sm <33 have a blue joong~

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