Chapter 1

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( Flashback 10 Years ago )

Cool breeze of wind blew across the Pallet Town in the west of the Kanto Region. Dodrios were doing their work of waking people up and people were getting ready to go to their work.

We see a certain Raven Haired Boy who was eagerly waiting for today. You all will guess what is today, Today is the day of the long awaited Professor Oak's Summer Camp and also kids from different parts of the world are going to be there. His Best Friend, Gary is also going to be there as it is his Grandpa's Camp.

Even though  Ash eagerly waited for today, he overslept  causing him to become late for the camp.
" Mom why didn't you wake me up ? Ash asked his Mom.
"Sweety, you were supposed to wake up early on your own, the way you were enthusiased for the camp, I thought you should have had woken up. His Mother told him."
"Alright, Mom I am sorry and I am going I don't want to be more late." Ash told her.
"Ok, Ash but don't any reckless things and listen carefully to whatever instructions professor would give.
Ash assured her mom about this.
After that, Ash waved Bye to his Mom, he went to Professor Oak's Lab dashing like a car.

( Inside the lab )

Professor was taking attendance of the Camp's Kids who had filled up the registration for the Camp. But when Ash's name was called by professor, no one replied, then 10 seconds later,
He came panting heavily,
"Professor I am here, I am sorry I overslept." Ash told professor with a sorrow tone.
"It's alright Ash, now come and take your position in the line with other kids." Professor Oak told him.
Unknown to Ash, a certain Honey Blonde was giggling when Ash arrived late. She was staring at him.
"Alright Kids, Let's start the first activity of Today." Professor told the Kids enthusiastically.

Professor made 5 groups and told them to explore the Forest along with the staff.
Kids ran enthusiastically and staff was behind them, the Camp started with a blast.
But, a certain Honey Blonde girl got lost in the forest, she was left behind by her group of girls, they wouldn't wait for her.

"Where is Everybody?" Suddenly a Wild poliwag startled her and she fell down, hurting her leg.
"I knew, I didn't wanna come to Camp, I knew it." She began to cry.
"MOMMY" Suddenly there was a wrestling in the bushes, she thought there will be a wild Pokemon, who will eat her, she began to cry more.
But there was a boy, who came looking for the same Poliwag, who startled Serena.
"Hey, Are you alright?" Ash asked her.
"Hii ! My name is Ash, What's yours? What Happened?
" leg." Serena told him shaking, fear visible in her eyes.
"Let me see, This will make it better." Ash told her by taking out a Handkerchief from his Pocket and wrap it around her knee.
"Now, watch this, Feel Better Feel Better, Right Away." Ash told Serena to reassure her that it will be alright.
"Ahem, it still hurts I can't stand up." Serena told Ash.
"Don't Give Up Till It's Over, O'Kay." Now come on. Ash told serena encouragingly.
Serena hesitated at first, then suddenly Ash grabbed her hand pulling her up with a bit of force and they accidentally hug each other.
After a few moments, Serena pulled back from Ash and stared into his chocolate brown Eyes blushing.
"See, there you go!" Ash told Serena smiling.
"I think we should be heading back to the Campsite, ok Come on!" Ash led serena out of the forest and back into the lab hand-in-hand with Serena blushing all the way.
After that Serena, thanked Ash and then she told Ash, she wants to be in a group with ash.
So, Ash asked Professor Oak, if she can be in his group from now on and professor allowed them and then for the rest of the Camp, she was with ash all the moment with Ash even ditching his Best Friend, Gary to be with Serena.
He didn't know her name, so he kept calling her 'Honey', all through the Camp and with her calling him 'Ashy'.

He didn't know her name, so he kept calling her 'Honey', all through the Camp and with her calling him 'Ashy'

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When the Camp ended, her Mom told Serena that they would be leaving for Home after Tomorrow

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When the Camp ended, her Mom told Serena that they would be leaving for Home after Tomorrow.
She cried when she heard that, but she knew they would have to go eventually. She cried all night and eventually drifted to sleep still crying.

( Next Day )

Today was the last day of Serena, She went to Ash's house because Ash invited her to play with him.
She then told Ash everything and cried but Ash reassured her that they will meet each other again in the future and told her that he wants to become a Pokemon Master and then he will find her.
Serena stopped crying upon hearing his words and Asked him to promise her.
Ash promised and then they spend the rest of the Day playing different games and their Mothers gossiping.

( Day of Serena's Farewell )

Serena and her Mother arrived at Ash's Home at 9:00 A.M. in the Morning.
Ash was already outside his house, waiting for Serena, when she saw him, she tackled him into a hug and began sobbing in his chest,
"Ashy, I don't want to leave you." Serena said while crying.
"Honey, I also don't want to leave you but I know we will meet each other in the future." Ash said reassuring her while holding back his own tears.
Serena stopped crying, and then looked into Ash's eyes,
"Ashy, I made these Macorons for you and also there is a letter inside the box, Open it after I leave, OK." Serena told Ash.
"Yes, Honey, I will." Ash said.
Their Mothers were trying to hold back there own tears on watching their Children.
"Here, Honey take this, this is a gift from me, for being my best friend." Ash said holding a box. Inside the box, there was a blue ribbon. Serena's eyes lit up upon seeing it.
"Thank you, Ashy!" "I will treasure it." Serena said cheerfully.
"Ok, It's time to go!" Her Mother called her.
Serena once again hugged Ash and told him to not forget his Promise, for which he said, he will never forget.
Serena was on the door of the Car, when suddenly, she ran back to Ash and kissed him in the lips briefly for like two seconds and then instantly ran back to the Car and her Mother drove the Car away with Serena blushing really hard.
Ash began to cry and his Mother assured him that he would see Serena again while Serena also began to cry, her mother also assuring her she will see him again.

"I will never ever forget you Honey/Ashy." Ash and Serena Promised themselves.

What is written in the letter Serena gave to Ash? Will Ash and Serena ever be able to meet each other again?

Read to find out in the Next Chapter.

For Now, it is a Goodbye.
Until we meet again !!

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