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'Maybe this is a bad idea.' J thought as she looked at the cake in her locker during lunch.

She stood there, contemplating when Dino suddenly came up behind her.

"What's that?" He put his chin on her shoulder.

"Nothing." She shook him off as they walked to the cafe.

J sat down first as Dino brought two trays to the table.

"Thank you." She smiled at him.

J started eating but stopped when she noticed Dino staring at her.

"What?" She raised her eyebrow at him.

J smiled when he looked down at his tray, signaling for her to cut up his chicken for him like she always did.

"Aigoo you're such a-"

"If you call me an otter one more, I swear I'm gonna lose it." Dino interrupted her as she started laughing.

"Mm here." She turned the tray around to him as she was done cutting up his food.

The rest of the guys came to sit with them as Wonwoo took the seat next to J today.

"Oh-" she voiced out a little, surprised as wonwoo's shoulder bumped into hers.

J looked over to see seungcheol sitting across from her, next to Dino. Their eyes met, but he broke eye contact as he looked over at Wonwoo, grunting a bit before looking down.

"I'll be right back." J got up, remembering the cake.

She got the cake from her locker, smiling as she made her way back to the cafe and, worrying if Dino would make fun of her for this. Suddenly, she felt someone's hand on her shoulder, turning her around.

It was mar.

"Who is that for?" She asked, looking J up and down.

"Oh um-" J was about to answer when mar spoke again.

"It's for seungcheol isn't it?"

"Yes but it's because he-" J tried to speak, only to be interrupted again.

"He won't accept it." Mar smiled smugly. "I tried giving one to him a couple days ago, he smacked it out of my hand." She spoke as if she was proud of that.

"Oh-" J only nodded her head.

"It's not even worth the effort, seriously." Mar tried grabbing the cake out of J's hand.

"Thanks.. but I think I can make my own judgment." J moved the cake, walking away as mar was left standing alone, in the deserted hallway.

"I um-" J sat back down at their table as all of the guys looked at her. "I brought cake for us today." She finally spoke, going against her original idea of giving it to seungcheol.

"Wah." The 12 boys let out in unison, while seungcheol furrowed his eyebrow, not taking his eyes off J.

"This looks so good."
"Thank you so much Noona."
"You're so kind."
"You didn't have to do this."

Jana listened to what they had to say as she watched them open the box.

"Wow it's so pretty." Joshua gulped as he looked at the cake.

"Where did you buy it from?" Mingyu looked up at her.

"Oh- I didnt buy it." J shook her head.

"Oh my- Noona, did you steal?" Dino gasped.

"No!" J shook her head again. "I made it."

"What!" Jeonghan exclaimed.

"Okay enough." J suddenly felt shy as she looked at how the 13 boys gleamed at her with surprise on their faces. "Just eat it." She rolled her eyes.

And so they did, they all dug in. Seungcheol had no intention of eating it until J said she had made it herself.

"Wah. You're amazing." Jun gave her a thumbs up.

"I'm so glad we're friends." Dino spoke with his mouth full.

J laughed as she picked up a napkin, reaching over to wipe some cake crumbs off Dino's mouth.

Only for her hand to be caught by Seungcheol's. He took the napkin out of her hand, wordlessly as he wiped Dino's mouth on his own.

"Ah hyunnggg." Dino whined. "Don't embarrass me." He pouted and the whole table laughed.

"Aigoo." Jeonghan ruffled his hair from across the table.

"J." Mingyu suddenly spoke up.

"Mm?" J hummed in response.

"Thank you." Mingyu showed his canines.

"Yes. Thank you." Jun jumped in. "It was really delicious."

"And the decoration was so pretty." Wonwoo gave her a thumbs up.

J smiled, curling up into herself.

"Yeah, it was really-" DK began to speak but was interrupted.

"It wasn't that good!" Seungcheol slammed his hands on the table as he got up, walking away from them.

"Oh-" J voiced out, tilting her head to the side.

"What's that all about?" Dino questioned to the rest of the table.

"I'll explain later." Vernon whispered back to him.

'Ah you idiot.' Seungcheol thought as he wandered back into class.

Seungcheol laid with his head on a desk, looking out the window. He heard footsteps coming into the classroom.

He turned his head around, thinking it was J. "I'm s-"

It wasn't J.

"Yes?" Mar batted her eyelashes at him as he stopped mid sentence.

"Nothing." Seungcheol growled as he turned back around, head not leaving the desk.

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