N i n e

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"Thank you, for earlier." J spoke as they all made their way out of school.

The weather was shifting, from warm summery days to long, cold winter ones. Signifying the start of school as well as many other things.

J felt herself bump into seungcheol as everyone pushed and shoved, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"Oh that." Seungcheol started when they were out of school and on the sidewalk. "I'll let you treat me as a way to say thank you." He smiled.

"Oh- okay." J was a little taken back, having 'friends' at school was a very new concept for her.

She didn't have work at the pizza shop today so she was free for a couple of hours.

"Ice cream?" Seungcheol spoke to her, smiling crookedly again.

His heart was beating a little faster, suddenly. Thinking about going for ice cream together.

"Okay." J nodded at him.

"What's going on." Jun asked as he and the other guys finally met up with them in front of the school gate.

"Would you guys like to go for ice cream? My treat." J smiled at them as Dino made his way up to her.

"Yes!" He interlocked his arm with hers, leading the way as the rest of the boys followed.

'Damn it.' Seungcheol thought as they all tagged along. He didn't understand why he wanted so badly to spend time with J, alone.

The ice cream shop was close by. It wasn't big or fancy but it was J's favorite.

"Table for-" J stopped as she realized how many of them there were.

"14." Jun smiled at the waiter, finishing J's sentence.

The staff worked hard to gather around 3 tables and put them together. Fixing a place for all of them to sit down. As they sat, Dino and seungkwan took the place next to J and seungcheol sat across from her.

"What are you getting?" Jun asked Vernon from across the table.

"Vanilla." Vernon replied swiftly. "I'm gonna ask if they can put black pepper and olive oil on there."

"What-" minghao turned to him.

"What?" Vernon asked innocently.

"Are you being serious right now." Minghao made a grossed out face at him as everyone else watched in amusement.

"Yes?" Vernon raised his eyebrow.

"Oh my god. You're disgusting." He made fake puking noises as the guys laughed.

As they got up to pick their ice cream, J noticed how everyone's eyes followed them. Every person who was in there, had them in their view. She disregarded it. Telling herself she was imagining things.

"Mm." J swallowed as she looked at her ice cream. Now seated back at their table.

"What did you get?" Jeonghan asked as he peaked over at her cone.

"Double chocolate chip and white chocolate raspberry." She announced.

"Mm that sounds yummy." Jeonghan peered at her.

J started eating her ice cream as she made little noises here and there.

"Mm." She voiced out in the middle of a bite.

"Can I have some of yours?" Jeonghan suddenly asked.

"Uhh." J looked at him confused.

"I don't mind." He smiled innocently at her.

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