S e v e n

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Mar walked closer to Seungcheol, now standing above him as he rolled his eyes, not bothering to look at her.

"I heard you yell at J." Mar began. "She's such a-"

Seungcheol suddenly stood up, facing Mar with an angry look on his face.

"Don't finish that sentence." He warned as Mar shut her mouth.

"Do you know how poor she is?" Mar began hysterically laughing. "She has holes in her uniform, her shoes are so worn out that they can't be saved and she's not even close to your standard-"

"Didn't I tell you to stop talking?" Seungcheol growled a little, slamming his hand on the desk. "She's with us now, don't mess with her." And with that, he left and mar clenched her fist.


"You know he didn't mean it, right?" Joshua leaned in to talk to J.

"Mm I'm sure he did." J hummed a little.

"He couldn't have, because that was the best cake I've ever had." Hoshi smiled with some cake still on his face.


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"Eyy." J looked down, blushing a little.

"She says it just like how you do!" DK pointed at Jeonghan.

Suddenly, seungkwan threw some of his kimchi at hoshi, getting his white shirt dirty as the table burst out laughing.

"Here, get him back with this." J slid her soup over to hoshi.

"Yah!" Seungkwan pouted at her.

"He's sitting on my side of the table." J shrugged, tossing her head back as hoshi threw the whole bowl at seungkwan, making his shirt drip with the soup.

The soup ended up going everywhere, dirtying all the people sitting at the table. But they didn't care, they were on the floor laughing as DK dunked two bowls of rice over hoshi and seungkwans head, ending in the two of them chasing him around the whole cafe.

"Ah wah." Mingyu wiped a tear from his eye from laughing too much.

The guys were still laughing really hard as Mar came up to their table.

"You must think you're so special." She crossed her arms, smirking and staring right at J.

J stop smiling as she furrowed her eyebrows, all the guys were confused as all eyes were now on Mar.

"you're just a poor, lowlife, dirty bitch." You could see the anger on Mar's face as she spoke.

"Woah. Woah." Woozi suddenly got up. "Shut up." He warned her.

"You don't deserve to be their friend. You don't even deserve to breath the same air as us." Mar walked
Closer to J.

The guys got up, now standing as if they were going to attack Mar for coming so close to J.

J got up, tucking a stray hair behind her ear as she stepped closer to Mar, opening her mouth to speak, only to see Mr Lee standing by the doors, eyeing them- waiting for her to mess up.

"I-" J began, backing away after seeing Mr Lee.

"Whatever." J walked away, because she knew that anything she did while angry would get her into trouble.

"You." Jeonghan narrowed his eyes at Mar.

"She-" Mar began but was interrupted by hoshi.

"Dont ever bother her again." He walked past her.

"You know what we're capable of." Jun smiled as he whispered to her, following hoshi.

The guys all went after J, leaving Mar standing alone in the middle of the cafe.

"Hm." Mr Lee hummed as he saw this. Knowing that his days of torturing her were coming to an end.

J walked out into the field outside, sitting down on the bench as the sun beamed down on her. She sighed, closing her eyes.

Seungcheol was walking back from the classroom, clueless as to what had just happened when he saw J sitting outside on the bench. He started making his way to her when he saw Joshua walking up to her.

"We've been looking for you." Joshua stood by the bench.

When J said nothing, he decided to sit down. They sat in silence until Joshua suddenly looked at her hands.

"They're cold." He grabbed at one of them.

"Yeah." J said back.

"But it's so warm outside?" He cocked his head to the side, still holding her hand.

"I get cold easily." She shrugged, trying to free her hand from him.

Joshua pulled both of her hands, balling them up in his own hands, brining them to his mouth, and blowing air into them.

"What are you-" J furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"I'm trying to keep you warm." Joshua replied seriously.

Seungcheol stood by the windows, seeing all this unravel as he gritted his teeth together.

"Why?" Joshua began as he put their hands down in his lap now, all four balled up together, still.

"Mm?" J turned her head to him with a curious look on her face.

"Why didn't you say anything back to her?" He rephrased his question, fully. Referring to mar.

"Oh-" she looked away this time.

"Why isn't he letting go." Seungcheol watched them from inside, balling his hands into fists as he looked at Joshua holding J's hands in his own.

"I have a scholarship." J told him.

"Well yeah. But you're alread here?" He turned to her.

"College." J talked swiftly. "I also have a scholarship to college next year. If I mess up, it all goes away."

"Oh." Joshua made and O with his mouth. "And you think it'll be worth it?" Joshua turned to look at her now. "College I mean."

"100%." J spoke so surely. "That's the only thing keeping me going. It's my way out." She turned to look at him too, meeting his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Joshua furrowed his eyebrows at her.

"You'll find out later on." She smiled at him, breaking eye contact as she looked away.

"Oh-" seungcheol smiled, walking up to them. "What you guys doing here?"

He asked nonchalantly as if he hadn't been watching them from afar for the past fifteen minutes now.

"Just chatting." Joshua shrugged, smirking a little.

Seungcheol forced out another smile as he squeezed in between them, forcing their hands apart.

And it might have seemed like a natural thing to him now, but Seungcheol had no idea the consequences that his own feeling would end up having.

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