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I was getting ready to go 'Black S' when my phone rang up , it was laura again "hel-" "when are you going to come , we're gonna late , do you want me to come and get you or what!?" Woahh she's sounding fucking mad "just 2 min-" "you've been saying 2 minutes from the past 2 hours !!" , "I'm wearing my heels , just coming " , "okay I'm waiting in the car!" I should hurry up.


"Who the fuck did this , find it out now!!" I was growling mad and why should I not when some fucking hacker stole my money. It wasn't 1 or 2 million but fucking 70 millions.

"Boss it wasn't only your money but that fucker stole many expensive things from your club too!" James my right hand man just inform me this to make my anger double.

"Boss we found some message!" My personal hacker said it "what it said ?" I ask him , he come and show me the laptop , it was written that "if you want your money & things back then come and meet me in 'Black S' at 10 pm , be on time ~ xoxo."

I started laughing because "you are calling your death by yourself. Very smart."


We were in the car. Laura was driving the car and I was seating beside her.

"So ... You still didn't told me!" "What?"
" That why did you stole those nasty things from the club , when you already had those money??" Yeah i stole the money but I'm not a thief trust me.

"I don't know " i said shrugging my shoulder. "First you stole fucking 70 millions from the Mafia boss and then his club's things and why you did it , you don't know !? Woww!!"

"Because I wanted to meet him. This was the only way to get his attention to me. And I send him a message too , to meet me at 'Black S'."

"You did what !?" She look too stunned to speak "what?" , "You are now a fucking dead meat grace!!" I roll my eyes at her "laura?" , "What!?"
"Will you eat me if I became a meat ??"

She look at me like I'm a Jupiter alien "you're fucking crazy!!" She said to me "I know"
I said agreeing with her.

We arrived at the club "listen you can think about it again"
Laura tells me. She is looking so nervous like she's the one who gonna talk with him. I mean yeah , she will be there with me by my side.

"About what??" I know what she mean but still I wanna tease her.
"About us going into our death end!!" I roll my eyes at her being so dramatic. "Stop being fucking dramatic! " I somehow convince her to come with me in the club.

We straight went to VIP room where I held the meeting with him. We were waiting for like 10 minutes when the door got open and there he was-wait what!?

"Why are you here??" , "So you are a lady huh!?" Did he saw me as a man in the park "ofcourse I am , but what you are doing here??" He look at me disbelief.

"You are the one who called me here !!"He said. Okay , but I didn't. "Listen don't kid around with me okay. I'm waiting for the club owner , so you should better go from here now!" I said.

Am i looking stupid here because he's laughing on my words.

"Whose kidding around who , I'm the owner darling. This club is mine!!" He said.

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