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"Guys," Shen Yuan announced, "I wrote a new song."

Chu Wanning only lightly groaned in response while Xie Lian let out an "Ah!"

"What kind of a song is it, A-Yuan?"

"What kind of a song can he possibly write?" Chu Wanning rolled his eyes.

"Do you remember the one we performed last week, Cradles?"

Xie Lian pursed his lips thinking, then nodded.

"Well, it was quite a big hit, so I composed one similar to it."

Xie Lian smiled, "Thanks for your hard work."

Shen Yuan simply waved his hand. Then he took out two handouts from his bag and gave one to each.

"Your parts have been highlighted."

Both boys looked down at the paper given to them.

Chu Wanning raised his eyebrows, reciting in a robotic voice, "I live such a lonely life, I don't like to go outside, please, please, fucking leave me be..."

"No no no, sing it with style! Here, it's supposed to go like this."

Shen Yuan took out his own paper, and sang it with style.

"I live such a lonely life,
I don't like to go outside,
Please please fucking leave me be,
No I don't want dirty hands
I don't want to be mean
But I'm sick of meeting new people on my scene-"

He abruptly stopped, clearing his throat. "See? It sounds good, doesn't it?"

Chu Wanning inquired, "Why didn't you continue? I'm curious about this part."

"That...that part's a rap, so you figure it out yourself, haha..." He gave a nervous laugh, then quickly recovered and said, "Anyway, it'll be called...drumroll!"

Xie Lian, long used to his goofy behavior, did a little drumroll on his lunchbox.


"You... couldn't you come up with a better name?"

"Come on, Wanning, it sounds reasonable." Xie Lian smiled. "I'm sure the fans will love it."

Chu Wanning pointed to his handout, "Why do I get the most vocal attention, again?"

Shen Yuan grinned, "Of course, 'cause our fans love your voice!"


"Wanning, look!"

Chu Wanning, who was halfway through a bite on his cookie, frowned, and turned to look at what Xie Lian pointed towards.

Seeing that familiar honey-colored face, he nearly choked. Violently coughing, he hurriedly turned his face back, and almost glared at Xie Lian with his teary eyes, an obvious blush across his cheeks.

Xie Lian quickly patted his back and handed him a bottle of water, all the while trying to hold back his laugh and apologizing repeatedly. Shen Yuan, however, made no attempts in holding back and burst out laughing loudly.

"You had gotten used to my tricks, so you started ignoring me every time I pointed him out. Now Lianlian tricked you, that's karma for ignoring me! Hahahaha..."

Chu Wanning only clenched his jaw, looking over at Xie Lian with a look of betrayal.

Xie Lian returned his gaze with an apologetic one.

"How did he bribe you into this?"

Xie Lian turned suspiciously red at the question.

Shen Yuan exclaimed in an offended tone, "A-Ning, do I look like such a lowly being to you? Lianlian can be mischievous too, you know!"

[𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎  𝙰  𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛] | •Danmei Crossover•Where stories live. Discover now