
20 1 0

"20💎? That's ridiculous! Can I speak to a manager?" Troy said. But there was no manager. Managers make an average wage, and there were only upper class people at the Wibra. Troy sighed. He had been saving 💎 to pay for his kids' college, but... he figured that his and Grabiella's life was more important. "Fine. I'll pay."
20💎 were deducted from Troy's life savings. It was barely enough, due to inflation.
"Good." said Kanye. Then, the Wibra's started to back off slowly, going back to their regular endeavours and thisses and thats.
Kanye then walked up to Troy. Troy's body was trembling in fear, he was #whimpering. Kanye reached out his hand, and laid it on Troy's chest, feeling his heartbeat.
"Kanye?" Troy said softly. His breath hitched and he stared at Kanye with his big blue orbs. Then, Kanye's hair started to grow into long, brown waves. And that's when Troy noticed. It was not Kanye... it was Gabriella.
"G-Gabriella?" Troy said as he started to tear up. "I thought you were gone forever!"
"Of course not." said Gabriella. "I never die, Troy. I am hihi"
Troy quickly wrapped his arms around Gabriella and pulled her close. "I was looking for you everywhere. I thought the Werewolf Cola Energy Drink... k-word you."

But before Gabriella could reply, the doors to the Wibra slammed open. "I'm late! I'm so sorry! I was on my clapbike!" said a handsome gay fella as he ran into the Wibra. "I got hit and the bike clapped in!"
The man's eyes widened when he saw the Wibra's had stepped back and were minding their business in the back of the Wibra. The only people near the entrance were Troy and Gabriella.
"Who are you?" the handsome gay fella said. "You do not look Wibrish."
"I am Troy and that is Gabriella." said Gabriella. "Who are you?"
"I am Marky Rutty." replied the gay man, as he puffed out his chest to look more badass. "I have not active memory."
"He's a Wibra! Hide!" GABRIELLA yelled, hiding behind Troy.
"No! You don't understand... I am not like all those Wibra's." said Marky Rutty. "Listen... I need your help. I cabinet is gefall, and I need it back. It's the only way to stop... the vluchtelingencrisis."
"Oh damn! That sounds serious." said Troy. But deep down, his evil mastermind that was also known under the name Bad Boy Troy was forming plans. Gears were turning in his head as to how to make sure that Marky Rutty was never actively remembered again. "How can we help?"
"You have to vote for me." said Markt Rut. "And you must not forget to eat chocolet. To vote, you have to go to the vote-little-thing an vote for Marky Rutty of the Villager Partay for Freedom and Democrat. Remember! Do not vote for Sharpay of the Villager Farmer Partay!"
"Ok." said Troy. But deep down, he knew that he was going to vote for Sharpay of the Villager Farmer Partay. And then... he was going to take over the country and become the King of Saltyen of Albekurkie... once again.

Troy, Gabriella and Marky Rutty went to the vote-little-thing. Troy walked into the booth and saw a piece of paper and a red pencil. Troy took the pencil in his hand and his eyes scanned over the paper. His eyes stopped at the name Marky Rutty. But despite the hesitation, he eventually put the pencil down at the name Sharpay of the Villager Farmer Partay. An evil smirk spread across Troy's face, as he filled it in within the lines.

A/N damin is a age 18 (sometimes)

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