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Just study the picture for a good 10 minutes, you won't regret it ;)

"Hey, are you alright?" Luke asked me. I nodded, not trusting my voice as well as Luke himself right now, and continued down the hallway.

"You haven't talked to me. Did I do something wrong?" He asked nervously. No, only you helped Sarah take austin from me for some reason that is not known to me.

"I'm fine, Luke. I promise." I lie easily through my smile.

"No, you're not fine. I know something's wrong. And I will find out what it is." He says with a determined tone in his voice.

Was he trying to threaten me?

"What? You're going to get mad because I won't tell you what's wrong?" I ask him with an annoyed tone.

"So there is something wrong." He replies. I groan.

"Luke! Nothing is wrong!" I shout. I clench my books in my hands trying not to scream at him.

"Just tell me!" He says.

"Why is it so important to you?" I ask him.

"Because I care about you." He says. Lie. He just wants to make sure I haven't found out about Sarah and her evil plan.

"No you don't." I mumble, "Nobody does." I add.

"You don't get it do you?" His voice strains.

"Get what?" I sigh.

"Never mind." He spits and walks to class. I watch his retreating figure trying to figure out what Sarah has over him to put him in her plan.

Maybe she's fucking him to keep him quiet.

What about Ashton? Why Ash?

Maybe Luke was the one who convinced him since the whole birthday debacle.

I sigh as I lazily walk towards my classroom. After tomorrow none of this shit will even matter. It will be behind me and I will never have to look back ever again.

I've got to get a job, college is out of the question since I'm going to have a baby soon. I'll have to support him or her.

What will I name them?

I wonder if they're going to ask about their father when they grow up? When or if I tell Austin...what will he do? Will he laugh in my face and make me support the child by myself? Or will he help me and be there for me? God! What if he right out humiliates me and claims it's not his?

Will this child change anything between us? Or is it another one his heartbroken casualties? He's going to break this child's heart before it even has a chance to beat.

× × × × × ×

A few hours later, most of the seniors were seated outside on the football field, surrounded by a few 100 parents, siblings, etcetera.

I was seated in the isle seat where we walk up get our diploma and shake hands with the important adults of the school. I didn't recognize any of them, besides a few of the teachers and the principal.

Michael was seated behind me, next to Luke. As for the rest, they were separated throughout the crowd of seniors.

The Principal had started his speech, when my stomach started feeling funny. I quickly rose from my seat and rushed to one of the closest bathrooms. Luckily, it was completely empty.

After I spew out the contents of my stomach I wipe my mouth as my face sours at the smell. I flush the toilet and make my way to the sink. I look in the mirror and take notice of my red eyes. I sigh. I wash my hands and rub the smearing make-up across my eyes for it to look presentable. I exit the bathroom and gasp when I see a figure standing on the wall near the bathroom.

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