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× 3 years later ×

"C'mon Austin, they're wait for you!" I yell at Austin from the living room of  our apartment. Since we had Becca, Austin and I decided it would be better for everyone if we all lived together.

"Coming! Becca just wants to get their surprise ready!" Austin replies. I hear chuckles come from the computer speakers. I look and see Luke shaking his head. The rest of the boys were all around the hotel room.

"Surprise?" Calum asks Luke. Luke shrugs.

"Don't worry. You guys are going to love it." I gush. Austin comes in. Becca waddles in with Austin behind her to make sure she won't fall.

"Aw! She's getting so big!" Ashton giggles. I smile at the screen then at my adorable baby girl.

"Come on, Becca. Walk to mommy. Walk to mommy." Austin says in a high-pitched baby voice. I stretch out my arms so she can walk towards me. She giggles while she speeds in my direction. I pick her up and place her on my lap. The boys on the computer screen seem mesmerized by the little toddler on my lap.

"Say 'Hi' Becca." I look down at her. She waves a little before her voice makes an appearance.

"Hai." She says while she climbs off my lap and makes her way over to the computer. She taps the screen with her small hand. I hear the boys laugh loudly at the antic.

"You're so adorable." Calum smiles at her.

"Just wait until you see her surprise." I say. Austin walks over to Becca's side.

"Do you want to show them your surprise?" Austin asks her in the same voice as before.

"Duh surprise?" She asks sweetly. Austin nods. Becca looks at the screen then towards her dad.

"Okay, you ready?" He asks her, "One...two...three."

"Donn stop. Doin wha ya doin." She sings lightly. I watch as Calum, Ashton, and Luke record the scene. Becca repeats the same part before she decides she's done. When she's finished she claps her tiny hands together as the boys and Austin celebrate.

"That was an amazing surprise, Becca." Ashton says sincerely to her. Again Becca hits the screen with her hand. Austin takes her hand so she won't do it again.

"You don't want to hurt them, Bec." He says to her. But my ears perk up when I hear my old nickname.

"Daddy!" She shouts. Austin widens her eyes at her. Becca says something incoherent to him.

"Oh yeah?" He asks her. Clearly not understanding what she's saying. Austin makes a funny face at her and she laughs. She places her small hands on the sides of his face and smooshes his face together.

"I tant talk iff muh face is like dis." He says to her. Becca smiles at the weird way his voice is. I hear the phone ring in the distance and Austin sighs.

"I got her." I say to him. Austin picks Becca up only to place her down with me. He disappears into the next room; leaving me to entertain our guests.

"He's great with her, Becky." Michael says. I smile at him.

"Yeah... he's been an amazing father so far." I say as Becca plays with my hands.

"Just father?" Ashton asks seriously.

"Well, yeah...and fiancé." I say the last part quietly.

"Fiancé?!" Calum shouts. I can't stop myself from smiling.

"I didn't know how to tell you guys, you know since you all are always on tour or in a recording studio. But...he proposed to me!" I say happily.

"That's amazing! When's the wedding?" Michael asks.

Friends With Benefits | Becstin short story auWhere stories live. Discover now