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"Have you ever been in love?" Austin asked out no where.

We had decided to go on a mid night picnic under the starry sky. He had been acting a bit weird since Sarah and Luke broke up.

I turned towards him, since we were lying down next to each other on the soft blanket.

"Maybe...I don't know. It's complicated." I said, while Austin looked at me, there was something in his eyes, something I have never seen before.

"Is? Or was?" He questioned. I shrugged.

"It's complicated." I lay flat on my back again. My eyes fluttered shut.

I felt a body on top of me. My eyes flew open, to see Austin on top of me, still staring at me with that sparkle in his eyes.

"Look Becky, I have real feelings for you. But I'm not sure if you feel the same way. I think I'm in love with you. And...I need you to tell me if you feel the same way, so I know how to feel about you." He explained, his eyes searching mine. I blinked a few times, not sure if this was real.

"Austin, I..." I trailed off, unsure of my words.

"Becky, please. Becky." He whispered as his face inched closer to mine.

Just as his cool lips connected with mine, I woke up.

I looked around and realized we actually had gone on a picnic, but he never really said all those things to me.

"You okay?" He asked, sitting up. I stared at him, still unsure if this was part of the dream.

"Yeah..." I managed to say. He smiled, still looking at me.

"You took a pretty long nap." He smiled.

Ah, his smile. That smile could light up a room, his smile could light up the sky. His smile could cure cancer and every other horrible disease.

"What time is it?" I asked. It was chilly now, my nose felt really cold.

"About 3 in the morning." He continued smiling. "Are you cold?"

I nodded but stood up before he could continue.

"Let's go, it's a bit to cold for my liking." I stated. Austin stood up and started to fold the blanket we had been sitting on.

I felt goose bumps rise on my arms as a breeze came by. Austin seemed to notice and walked over to me.

"Here." He said as he slid off his sweatshirt. "It'll keep you warm."

He was only a wearing a white shirt under. He could get sick.

"No." I shook my head, giving him back the sweatshirt. "You're going to get sick."

He laughed.

"And so are you, if you don't put it on."

"But-" I started, but he cut me off by pulling me close to him. Close enough for me to feel his beating heart.

"I said take it, and wear it. Don't try to argue with me." He said through gritted teeth. Austin kind of scared me when he did this, when he showed the controlling side of him.

× × × × × ×

Later that night, he dropped me off around 4 - after we stopped by Burger King to get a little snack to cure our midnight munchies.

That same night, my whole world changed...again. Since the night I met Austin, my life has been a bit more interesting. Austin made my life more interesting. He made me feel wanted.

When I got home, I headed straight to the bathroom. There was this strange feeling at the bottom of my stomach. I ended up throwing up everything that was in me.

Then I realized I had missed my period. I didn't jump to conclusions right away. Austin had always used a condom.

I didn't think much of it, I was too tired to think at all. So I just cleaned myself up, and trudged over to my bed.

So the next morning I went to the store and bought two pregnancy tests.

× × ×

"That will be $4.50," The cashier stated. I didn't make eye contact, mostly because it was a lady and I felt ashamed--ashamed that she will think less of me.

"It's okay, you're not the first girl I've ever helped. It's gonna be alright." She smiled, it was a warm-kind smile.

"Thank you," I mumbled, glancing at her name tag. "Michelle."

"Good luck." She said as she handed me my change.

× × ×

I rushed home, I just wanted to get it over with. But as I locked myself in the bathroom, I just couldn't bring myself to open the pregnancy test box. Instead I curled up in the bathtub and cried myself to sleep. Never in my life have I felt more lonely than right now.

My dream was messy, I could barely understand what was happening. It was my point of view. I was in Austin's house.


He was on his phone, he didn't seem to notice me. I walked around him to see who he was texting.

It was Sarah.

But it wasn't just regular texting, she was sending him a whole bunch of nasty paragraphs of what she would do to him. I almost threw up, but then he turned around and slapped me.

I fell to the floor, not sure if I should fight back or cry.

"What do you want, slut?!" He spat, followed by a smirk. I shook my head.

This isn't real.

This isn't real.

"Get up." He demanded. I didn't move, causing him to grab my hair and pull me up to his face.

"You think that was a question? When I tell you to do something, you do it." He yelled, as if I couldn't hear him. I just nodded and fell into his arms.

"Especially if you want to keep that satanic baby of yours." He rubbed my stomach. "We should even name him Lucifer. 1) because it reminds me of how you fucked Luke. And 2) that's what Satan named his son, Lucifer." He growled into my ear.

Then he dropped me again. This time I really did throw up, but I woke up before anything else could happen.

I was still in the bathtub. The door was still locked. And the tests were still on the floor, next to the toilet.

The familiar feeling in my stomach returned.

I quickly went to the toilet and returned what little breakfast I had eaten.

The clock on the sink marked five minutes past 10 PM.

Have I really been asleep that long?

I walked outside of the bathroom, just to make sure the clock wasn't fucking with me.

Sure enough, the sky was dark and the only light outside was the stars.

I sighed in relief. That horrible dream wasn't real. But it seemed so real. I touched my face to see if there was any wound.

There was nothing.

My parent's were probably already home, so I would have to sneak out.


Some where far away. Maybe I'll just go for a walk...

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